Wikimedian in Residence

Other Use Cases

Wikidata can be used in endless ways - find out about more projects using Wikidata.

Sum of all Paintings project 

This is a WikiProject to get an item on Wikidata for every notable painting. Again, this information can be queried, used for research, presentations and in a variety of other ways to further education and access to knowledge. 

See the project page here.

Video: Exploring Cultural Heritage with Wikidata 

Video: Exploring the educational potential of Cultural Heritage in Wikidata
Video discussing wikidata and its potential for cultural heritage projects.

Research networks: Wikicite and Scholia 

The Scholia Web service creates on-the-fly scholarly profiles for researchers, organisations, journals, publishers, individual scholarly works, and for research topics.

Among several display formats available are lists of publications for individual researchers and organisations, public

ations per year, employment timelines, co-author networks and citation graphs.

There are over 174 million open citations (174, 418, 589) and over 36, 242, 591 scholarly articles on Wikidata. 

For example:

Wikicite was founded in 2016 to build a repository of sources in Wikidata. See more information about Wikicite. 

© Ewan McAndrew, Hannah Rothmann and Clea Strathmann, University of Edinburgh, 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, unless otherwise indicated.