Enterprise Architecture

Data Warehouse

The data warehouse is a large repository of trusted, accurate, and consistent data collected from various sources across the University. It is considered a hub in providing valuable insights for decision-making and strategic planning.

By using the power of the data warehouse, the university can optimize its operations, enhance quality, and foster innovation in teaching and research. 

The warehouse is able to contain a range of data, from student records to research management data and more.  You can rely on the data from the warehouse to be accurate and consistent.

A schematic diagram of the enterprise data warehouse

We define and maintain the data models for the Data Warehouse, and work in partnership with projects and services to bring data into the warehouse.  We also constantly consider the requirements and feedback from our users and shape our technical decisions to facilitate their interaction with the system.

What information is currently available in the Data Warehouse?

We are gradually adding useful data to the warehouse, project by project. 

  • As of March 2024, the warehouse contains HR data, Estates Building data and Estates Maintenance data, along with data from the Organizational Hierarchy.
  • Our next area of work, the Student Application Modelling project, is in progress.

Gain access to the Data Warehouse

To see the complete list of the datasets, and how to access them, please visit the Core Data Hub.

Core Data Hub (sharepoint.com)

Example of use

Data from the warehouse is central to the HR BI dashboards, which provide information about University staff levels.

Members of staff can view these dashboard via the HR SharePoint site.

Human Resources BI Dashboards