
Visit-Ed Guest WiFi Service

Visit-Ed Guest Wi-Fi



The university offers guests a free Wi-Fi service called Visit-Ed which is available across the university. Guests should be able to connect anywhere they see the Visit-Ed SSID (network) available on their mobile device. No pre-registration by staff is required, guests can simply self self-register. 

To access Visit-Ed:

  • Look for 'Visit-Ed' under the available Wi-Fi networks on your device
  • Tap Visit-Ed to connect
  • Your device should launch the sign-in/registration page
  • You will be presented with five options on how to connect to Visit-Ed:    

a) Facebook - this will allow you to sign in with your facebook credentials to get online    

b) LinkedIn - this will allow you to sign in with your LinkedIn credentials to get online  

c) Text Message  (SMS) - you can get online with a text message sent to your mobile phone. Both UK formats (i.e. 07xxx xxxxxx) and International mobiles are accepted (+xx xxx xxxx xxxx).  Type in the passcode sent to your mobile device. The mesages is sent from 'VisitEd'

d) WhatsApp  - you will be sent a WhatsApp message to your phone, the message will come from 'The Networking People (TNP) Ltd'. Enter the verification code into the Visit-Ed logon page

e) Register via Passcode (internal use only) - please sign on this way if you have been given a passcode as part of a hospitality / conference package.    

  • Complete the form and click Get Online


Once registered your session is valid for 7 days.

Visit-Ed provides internet access including access to any 'public' University web services such as, direct access to secure services is not possible with Visit-Ed.