DataSync FAQs
DataSync FAQs
General FAQs
1. How much space is available to me on the Datastore via DataSync?
By default, every user has a 20GB default quota for their DataSync account, PLUS the quota of the University homespace or shared space being connected to.
2. I've accidentally deleted a file in DataSync. How do I get it back?
In the first instance, please log into the DataSync web interface at the address below, click on the 'Deleted files' option at the bottom left, search for the file in question and press the 'Restore' button to the right of its name to recover it back into its previous location.
3. Who is entitled to use the DataSync service?
This service is available for University Staff and Research Post-Graduates (PGRs). It is not available for Under-Graduates or Taught Post-Graduates (PGTs).
4. I can't find a University user when trying to share a file.
The user account you are sharing with has not been activated. Please ask the user to log into DataSync first ant try again.
5. Can I connect to DataSync via WebDAV?
Yes, a WebDAV connection to your DataSync area is possible. Please see the following page for full instructions on setting up this connection:
6. How secure is DataSync?
- Datasync requires HTTPS for connecting to the web interface
- Files sent or received over the network are encrypted using TLS
- Files stored on the server are NOT encrypted
- The Datasync service is hosted entirely within the University of Edinburgh. No data is stored on third-party servers.
- Your data is only visible to other people if you deliberately choose to share it. By default none of your data is shared.
Web Interface FAQs
1. The 'External Storage' path specified in the 'Personal' preferences of the web interface will not connect. It shows a red "X" next to the path.
Please check the following possible causes of this issue:
a) The folder to which the 'External Storage' path specified in the web interface's 'Personal' preferences points does not yet actually exist.
If this is the case, please create the folder in that location on the shared server and DataSync should then be able to connect to it successfully.
b) The target folder already exists in the correct place on the shared server.
Please check that the path to the target folder is written correctly in the web interface's 'External Storage' preferences and that your University username (uun) is entered in the format ED\uun. The password should be the one you use to log onto University computers.
For full details on filling in the 'External Storage' preferences, please see:
2. Why do I see some greyed-out files in the web interface 'Files' location?
Greyed-out filenames generally denotes that the file in question is a hidden one on the shared space on which it is saved. For example, this may be a hidden database file from an Apple Mac (usually with its name starting with a full-stop, such as a '.DS_Store' settings file. In general, this type of hidden file should simply be ignored in the DataSync web interface.
3. I accidentally disconnected the external storage (the connection to the synched folder on my shared space). What do I do?
In the 'Personal' preferences section of the DataSync web interface, if one clicks the trash icon to the right of the 'External Storage' path, which sets the target folder with which DataSync should work, those settings are deleted and the sync will no longer function.
Please see the information at the following page on setting the path up once more:
Connect DataSync to RDM DataStore
4. Can external users upload files to DataSync?
External users (to the University), can only upload documents if you have shared a folder with them and ticked "Enable editing" during the process. They will then be able to upload files to this location. They will not be able to create or upload folders to this location.
Desktop Client FAQs
1. I have added DataStore as external storage but when a file is changed on DataStore, the local desktop client does not update.
There is a known sync issue with desktop clients and external storage connections to DataStore:
- The initial client side sync works fine from DataStore and any subsequent modification or addition of files/folders performed on the local desktop client end are synced successfully to DataStore.
- However, any subsequent modification or addition of files/folders performed on the DataStore end are NOT synced by the local desktop client.
- Modifications and additions performed on the DataStrore end are synced successfully to the local desktop client either after logging to the web interface "" and browsing to the DataStore folder or when a modification is made on the local desktop client end again.
For this reason, we would advise users with external storage connections to DataStore to work exclusively on these files on the DataSync end - either through the web interface or the desktop ownCloud client.
2. What do the different statuses of my ownCloud desktop client mean?
The ownCloud desktop client remains in the background while it is running, but is, by default, visible as an icon in the system tray (Windows), the status bar (Mac OSX) or the notification area (Linux). The following are the various possible synchronisation statuses the client's icon may display, along with their meanings:
The green circle with the white checkmark tells you that your synchronization is current and you are connected to your DataSync shared location.
The blue icon with the white semi-circles means synchronization is in progress.
The yellow overlay icon with the parallel lines tells you your synchronization has been paused. (Most likely by you, by opening the client and clicking Account > Pause.)
The grey icon with three white dots means your sync client has lost its connection with your shared server location.
When you see a white circle with the letter “i” that is the informational icon, so you should click it to see what it has to tell you.
The red “X” indicates a configuration error, such as incorrect login details or path to the shared server location. You should check these are correct.
The yellow icon with exclamtion mark indicates the filename contains characters that do not work on certain file systems