A Dropbox-like file hosting service for Staff and Research Post-Graduates (PGRs)
A Dropbox-like file-hosting service
No sign-up needed - automatically provisioned for Staff and Research Post-Graduates (PGRs)
Login using your Active Directory (AD) username and password
Data stored at the University of Edinburgh and managed by Information Services
20GB DataSync storage with the ability to connect to your personal or group share on the RDM DataStore
File sharing with colleagues anywhere
Access your documents anywhere
File synchronisation
Getting started
You need to activate your DataSync account before using it
Web Interface
Step by step guides to using the DataSync web interface
Desktop Clients
Bi-directional file synchronisation desktop clients are available to enable users to have access to the documents and folders they place in the 'Files' area of the DataSync web interface. These can be installed on Windows PCs, Macs and Linux machines.
Mobile Clients
Bi-directional file synchronisation mobile applications are available to enable users to have access to the documents and folders they place in the 'Files' area of the DataSync web interface. These can be installed on mobile phones using Android and iOS operating systems.
Aside from being able to have your files synched and available via the Web Interface and client applications, one of the main uses of DataSync is the ability to share files with other collaborators, be they members of the University with existing accounts or external users with no Uni affiliation.
Synchronise folders and files using desktop and mobile clients
DataSync FAQs
DataSync FAQs
External Storage
You can connect any DataStore folder, whether one in your personal home directory (M:drive) or in a group(shared) DataStore space, to your DataSync account. This page provides instructions on how to set up this connection and share the connected folder with other users.