Power BI
Part of Office365, Power BI lets you create and publish visually immersive dashboards from multiple sources of data.
Access the Power BI Web Application
Introducing Power BI
Power BI is part of the Office 365 suite, it allows you to turn your unrelated sources of data into coherent, visually immersive, and interactive insights.
Viewing and using dashboards in Power BI
Power BI dashboards can be accessed and interacted with through a number of ways in order to find the information you require.
Creating and Sharing Power BI Content
Pro Licence holders can create and share content to other University staff members.
Training Resources for Power BI
If you want to learn more about using Power BI there are many great sources online.
Power BI Licences (secured)
Users can create, view and interact with reports in Power BI for free. Users who are publishing and sharing content will require a Pro Licence.
Power BI Gateway
Keep your dashboards and reports up to date by connecting to your on-premises data sources without the need to move the data.
Paginated Reports
Paginated Reports are a new type of report available to The University. They are designed to be printed or shared and they are formatted so that all data in a table can be displayed or printed rather than only the information in the current view as is the case in regular Power BI reports.
Power BI FAQs
Still need help? Here you will find some useful FAQs and contact information.
Power BI Mailing List (secured)
A page for signing up to the new Power BI mailing list.