Information Services

Running your first event on EventsAIR

The process involved in running your first event with EventsAIR

The following steps provide only an example of how the process to begin running your events through EventsAIR. You may want to start the process earlier if you feel this would be better for you. 

Please note - this process relates to users who want to use EventsAIR with their own team, not to users who want to work with the University’s Conference and Events Team (ACE) to use EventsAIR. 




1 At least 12 weeks before your event

Register your intention to use EventsAIR and hold a preliminary meeting. You can do this through our Event Tool Selector

Agree the engagement model, costs involved model and the necessary resources (training, direct support etc.) are booked with EventsAIR.  

2 10 weeks before your event

You are provided with an “office” within the platform and a number of “user” licences.

Access to the EventsAIR support portal is enabled. 

3 10 weeks before your event Stage 1 Training  Your team undergo 8 hours of self-study training and gain stage 1 certification.      
4 8 weeks before your event Stage 2 training & Set-up    You team undergoes more advance training, customised to your event and needs. Key elements of the event set-up will be completed.    
5 4 weeks before your event Complete the event set-up​
6 2 weeks before your event Perform extensive testing on event, ideally hold a ”dress rehearsal” in advance of the real thing.  
7 Day of your event  Host your event with your own staff, and with direct additional staffing provided from EventsAIR, if required.