Information Services


Create your event tickets, promote your events and allow prospective attendees to discover them easily with Eventbrite.

The University’s chosen platform for event tickets, promotion and discovery. Event planners will benefit from unlimited free tickets or reduced fees at 4.5% + £0.59 on tickets sold rather than advertised fees at 6.95% + £0.59.  

As well as the cost saving benefit, our partnership with Eventbrite allows us to:

  • provide unified guidance & support to event planners across campus
  • make it easier for prospective attendees to discover and engage our events
  • offer a managed onboarding process for your event planners / team
  • *if you plan to sell tickets, we'll manage allocation of your ticket sale income
  • *give good governance advice on matters of compliance 

* Additional partners supporting Information Services includes; University Finance and Communications & Marketing.

Notice Board: What's Happening?

This service is now live. When rollout began in May 2024, all existing Eventbrite account holders were invited to on-board to the central service. 

Since then, around 85% of schools/planning units across campus have now boarded (this is up 31% from June).

When will Eventbrite remove their fee waiver from my account?

Eventbrite will remove their fee waiver or discount on tickets sold from all other university accounts from October 2024.  We strongly recommend you on-board the central service and publish your future events in the University of Edinburgh Events account now.  

Anyone seeking to use Eventbrite to put tickets on sale are welcome to request access below, to receive partner benefits. Being granted access currently is on the understanding that not all supporting processes or information might not be finalised until end July 2024.

I'm an existing Eventbrite user, what are the differences?

Get access to Eventbrite

The university partner account in Eventbrite is provided for University of Edinburgh staff who's job it is to plan and promote events (an event organiser) on behalf of their Institute, College, School or Support Group. If you already have a shared university email account for your events team, you might choose to on board it to the University of Edinburgh events account in Eventbrite.  Consult your event team colleagues before you do this and when the process is complete, so they have the necessary details.

Before submitting a request to access University Events in Eventbrite, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are authorised to publish events through Eventbrite on behalf of your Institute, College, School or Support Group.  There may already be established governance and an events team for your area, please check first. Refer to our "Eventbrite User Lookup Directory" to see other event organisers in your area

Personal ( email accounts are not allowed to be on boarded to the University of Edinburgh Events account in Eventbrite.

If you are eligible, you can request access to join the university partner account in Eventbrite and a user profile will be created for you. You will be invited to join by email. 

Important: When you receive your email invite to join, ensure you read the "Steps to Join the University Eventbrite Account", also linked below.

Get Access to the University Eventbrite Account 

Quick guide to create your first event

Promote your event

box of digital marketing tools

You can request access to use Eventbrite's Marketing Tools to promote your events. If you accept the terms of use, you will be granted access to email marketing and the promo code generator for the duration of your campaign. 

Marketing Tools Available

The following tools can be provided on request:

  • Promotions: promo codes (event specific) can be used to discount sale tickets or access codes can be used to reveal hidden tickets. 
  • Email campaigns. ​​​​​If you or your events team already use the Dotdigital email platform for marketing emails, then you should continue to use it.

​​​​Access Eventbrite Marketing  


Sell your event tickets

VAT is applied per event! Remember to include the VAT ID in the tax section of your event.

eventbrite statement about VAT on events

Eventbrite is required to charge VAT on the Eventbrite service fee at a rate of 20%, unless you provide a verified VAT ID. A VAT ID is required for each event rather than for the entire account. As an events organiser, you'll need to enter the VAT ID under Tax Options for each individual event so that it's not added to fees which could affect your payout.

The University's VAT ID is GB 592 9507 00. If your institute has a different VAT ID then use that instead.  

Why are Eventbrite collecting VAT on our Events?​​​

Mobile phone with web form on it

Getting paid for tickets sold is easy.  Eventbrite payouts are sent to the university bank account three days after the end date of the event and payment transfer is handled by the university cash office.

You just need to tell university cash office where to transfer your payment, via the app.

Eventbrite PayTo Records App   ​​​

The app is powered by Microsoft 365 Power Apps so you can pin it to your Microsoft 365 web portal or on your device. If you've been given access to the app, simply search "Eventbrite" at

To use the app on a mobile device you will first need to install Microsoft Power Apps and sign in with your University Microsoft 365 account.


Don't have access to the app?

If you need access to the app, use our quick request form linked below to request access. 

Request Access  


The app is an internal resource, it doesn't connect to a bank account and cannot be used to make adjustment to your event details in Eventbrite. VAT details are added in your event options directly in Eventbrite, not the PayTo App. 

Make sure you have the required account codes(Entity, Fund, Cost Centre & Account) to hand, you'll need to add them with each new event.

Data protection and privacy

Equality and accessibility

Help and feedback

Eventbrite 'Manage my events' menu

Need to report an issues or have a query about using Eventbrite?

You will find help about organising an event in Eventbrite using the help centre.  This covers the full range of features you might choose to use when creating, promoting and publishing an event. 

  1. In Eventbrite, choose "Manage my events" (top right)
  2. From the main menu (left) choose "Help Centre" (bottom left)
  3. On the "Help Centre" choose "Organizing an event"
  4. Here you can browse or search the range of help topics

The direct link to the Eventbrite Help Centre is linked below:

Eventbrite Help Centre

Eventbrite Help Center ​​​


If you cannot find the help you need about using Eventbrite or to report an issue with the product, you will be given the option to raise a support ticket with Eventbrite.

Ticket Sale Payout Help:

Request help from the Finance Team  

Marketing & Promotion Help:

Contact Digital Marketing

General Enquiries:

Contact the Helpline

Product / Vendor Feedback:

Feedback "Have Your Say" image

To give feedback about the Eventbrite product or features, use Eventbrite's Help Centre.

Guidance Feedback:

We cover basic essentials on this page, specifically about how to access and use features of the University Eventbrite account. You can rate and feedback about our guidance below:

Have your Say!

How can I be kept informed?

Join our active "Events Management Community" for updates on this and other Event Management topics.

Join the Events Management Community