Science Insights 2018 – Blog #2
Lauren McCreadie is from St Margarets High School (North Lanarkshire), and was part of the strand who had focused sessions at the Western General Hopsital and Easter Bush campuses.
"On the 20thof July 2018, 40 S5 students from all across Scotland came together to start the science insights week at Edinburgh University. I applied to science insights as I wanted to see first-hand what studying science at University is like by having the opportunity to speak to students, professors and researchers to gain valuable lab experience that I couldn’t gain in school.
On the first day I was excited about the week ahead but apprehensive to go on my own and join a different people I didn’t know. Within the first day I had met new people and was amazed by the different career that science has to offer and how many different routes there are to get a science related career. By having the chance to participate in Science Insights it ensured me that a career in science is the pathway I wish to down and gave me more career options to think about.
On Tuesday I was given the opportunity to shadow a researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine to gain insight into the inspiring work of Cancer Researchers. During this time I carried out an experiment of changing a drug into a pro drug using metals. I was also given the chance the chance to shadow another researcher at the Roslin Institute where I carried out an experiment to identify the protein tenascin in the blood stream that relates to the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. We were also given a talk on using animals in research at the Roslin Institute where animals are used for science and gave us lots of different scenarios questions to answer and allowed us to voice our opinion of our beliefs in using animal in research.
When I first found out I got accepted I was amazed that I was selected but worried about going into a different city where I didn’t know anyone. Looking back on the week it was one of the most enjoyable, interesting, eye opening and fun I have ever had.
The science insights team made everyone feel involved and planned an amazing and insightful week that I won’t forget. To anyone thinking of applying, my advice is to go ahead and do it. You get so much advice that you wouldn’t get from your school and you get to learn from University students about real University life and to make your personal statement the best it can be.
Science insights has been one of the best experiences of my life. It has allowed me to become more confident and independent as well as being more confident and able to speak in front of small and large groups. Overall, the Science Insights programme was a fantastic week and I would strongly urge any S5 pupils thinking of a career in science to go ahead and apply, you won’t regret it!"
Science Insights – programme information