Remuneration Committee
Terms of Reference and membership of Court Remuneration Committee.
Membership from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025:
1. Purpose
To advise Court and oversee the preparation of policies and procedures in respect of salaries, emoluments and conditions of service including severance arrangements for senior management at the University and wholly owned subsidiaries. This includes the Principal and those at professorial or equivalent level. To approve in line with these Court approved policies and procedures, the total remuneration package for the Principal, those senior staff reporting directly to the Principal, and as appropriate Professorial and equivalent staff.
2. Composition
- 2.1 The Committee shall consist of six members.
- 2.2 The Senior Lay Member of Court is an ex officio member of the Committee.
- 2.3 The other five members of the Remuneration Committee shall be members of Court; comprising three lay members, one staff member and the Student President. Of the lay members, one shall also be a member of the Policy and Resources Committee and one shall be appointed Convener of the Committee.
- 2.4 Court shall appoint members and the Convener of the Remuneration Committee on the recommendation of the Nominations Committee, with primary regard to the ability of potential members to contribute effectively to the Committee.
- 2.5 The Nominations Committee on making recommendations to Court shall take cognisance of the ex officio member of the Committee.
- 2.6 The term of office of lay members will be no longer than their membership of Court and will be for a maximum of three years.
- 2.7 Previous members are eligible for re-appointment up to a normal maximum of two consecutive terms of office.
- 2.8 All members of the Remuneration Committee are expected to comply with the University’s Code of Conduct as set out in the University’s Handbook and declare any interests which may conflict with their responsibilities as members of the Remuneration Committee.
- 2.9 Staff and Student representatives will not be present for discussions relating to individual employment matters.
- 2.10 The Principal, while not a member of this Committee, shall normally be in attendance at all meetings except when his/her salary, terms and conditions or severance payments are being considered and the Principal shall be consulted on remuneration relating to senior colleagues as defined and agreed by the Remuneration Committee.
- 2.11 The University Secretary and the Director of Human Resources shall be in attendance at the Committee. The University Secretary will not be in attendance when their salary is being discussed. Other Senior Officers from within the University may also be invited to attend meetings from time to time to provide the Committee with information on specific items on the agenda.
3. Meetings
- 3.1 The Committee shall meet as required to fulfil its remit and will meet at least twice in each academic year. With the prior approval of the Convener of the Committee urgent matters may be considered through correspondence.
- 3.2 Minutes, agendas and papers will normally be circulated to members of the Committee at least five working days in advance of the meeting. Late papers may be circulated up to two days before the meeting. Only in the case of extreme urgency and with the agreement of the Convener will papers be tabled at meetings of the Committee.
- 3.3 Non-contentious or urgent matters not on the agenda may be considered at a meeting subject to the agreement of the Convener of the meeting and the majority of members present.
- 3.4 Papers will indicate the originator/s and purpose of the paper, the matter/s which the Committee is being asked to consider and any action/s required and confirm the status of the paper in respect of freedom of information legislation.
- 3.5 Three members of the Committee shall be a quorum one of whom shall be appointed Convener by the majority of members present for the duration of the meeting should the Convener not be present.
- 3.6 A formal minute will be kept of proceedings and submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Committee. The draft minute will be agreed with the Convener of the Committee prior to circulation and in the case of the absence of the Convener at a meeting the Committee member appointed to act as Convener for the duration of that specific meeting.
4. Remit
- 4.1 To advise Court and oversee the preparation of policies and procedures in respect of salaries, emoluments and conditions of service including severance arrangements for the University’s senior management including the Principal and those at professorial or equivalent staff and to keep these under review.
- 4.2 In respect of the University’s senior management team the Committee will, in line with Court approved policies and procedures:
- 4.2.1 Review and approve annually the salaries, contractual terms and emoluments of the Principal and of such senior staff as report directly to the Principal or who may, from time to time, be agreed by the Committee;
- 4.2.2 Approve performance criteria, proposed by the Principal, for the senior management team and review and approve any discretionary salary revisions for such staff; and
- 4.2.3 Consider and decide any severance payments proposed for the Principal and such senior staff as report directly to the Principal or who may from time to time be agreed by the Committee to be included in its considerations.
- 4.3 Receive comparative information on senior salaries, other emoluments and conditions of service in the university sector; and
- 4.3.1 Review annually, information from the Principal on the decisions made, in conjunction with the Heads of Colleges, concerning the salaries and other emoluments of professorial and such other senior staff as may, from time to time, be agreed.
- 4.4 Agree, in advance, severance packages for other senior staff and staff outside the norm, as specified in Court approved policies and procedures, or where there is conflict of interest for one or more of the signatories in the approved policy or procedure.
5. Other
- 5.1 The Committee will from time to time undertake a review of its own performance and effectiveness as part of the overall review of Court and its Committees and thereon report to Court.
- 5.2 In order to fulfil its remit the Committee may obtain external professional advice as necessary. The Committee may also request such other information as it might require in exercise of its remit which is additional to that listed in section 4.
- 5.3 To report to Court on an annual basis on the main activities undertaken by the Committee.
- 5.4 Membership and remit of the Committee will be published on the University’s website.
- 5.5 To undertake such other responsibilities as the Court may determine.
Approved 12 May 2014 with effect from 1 August 2014
Amended 18 June 2018
Amended 3 December 2018