School of Health in Social Science

Why tutor?

Find out more about the benefits of being a post-graduate tutor within the School of Health.

You can play an essential role in the delivery of high-quality teaching in the School of Health in Social Science (HiSS).

Our tutors play a crucial role in guiding students towards a more active self-education and away from passive engagement with lecture material.  You will encourage and inspire students to develop their confidence in thinking and arguing for themselves. You will motivate them to read widely and think about their learning in new ways.

Tutoring enables you to reflect upon, review, and develop your teaching. Developing your teaching can lead towards Higher Education Academy (HEA) accreditation. There are several different routes tutors and demonstrators can follow to seek HEA accreditation for teaching at Edinburgh.

More information on accreditation for tutors and demonstrators

More information on combining work with your academic commitments