School of Health in Social Science

Lucy Weir: Bodies in Crisis? Rethinking gender and self-injury in performance

Endurance, suffering, and self-injury are recurring characteristics in the global history of performance art. While critical responses to this work range from dismissiveness to veneration, there is a curiously gendered component to analysis of self-injury on stage that, to date, has not been thoroughly interrogated.

"I resist the narrative of ‘masculinity in crisis,’ instead seeking to formulate a new analytical approach for understanding the aestheticisation of violence and self-injury in contemporary performance practice."

All welcome, no registration necessary.

Mar 13 2019 -

Lucy Weir: Bodies in Crisis? Rethinking gender and self-injury in performance

This seminar will explore some of the key questions emerging from Lucy's new research project, which aims to challenge and reframe established readings of self-injury in both mainstream and subcultural performance.

Room 1.9, Doorway 6, Medical School, Teviot Place