Health & Safety Department

Training required

This page details all the health and safety training courses a staff member may require whilst at the University

The following courses are available from the Health and Safety Department and should be undertaken by all staff when they first join the University or on appointment to a specific job or new task, for example new project involving radiation work. 

In addition to the above, there may be local training which staff may also be required to attend, please check with your local School Safety Adviser/Manager or line manager.

Mandatory training

All staff must receive the following training:

Job/hazard specific training

Subject specific training:

Refresher training

Unless specified, there is no set time for refresher training. However, generally it is acknowledged that between 2-3 years is a suitable interval for refresher training. However, if there has been an accident or other incident, those staff or students involved should complete the applicable courses again to refresh themselves and to ensure they are up to date with any changes since they last completed the course. In addition, if there has been any significant changes in the regulations or guidance, training should be undertaken again, regardless of when it was last completed.