Radiation Protection Unit

Forms and checklists

In order to assist the relevant Schools and research groups, some forms and checklists have been prepared for radiation work carried out within the University .


Ionising Radiation

RP F Title
001 Safety training record (.pdf)
002 Personal contamination monitoring record (.pdf)
003 Surface contamination monitoring record (.pdf)
004 Personal contamination monitoring record with EPD task dose column (.pdf)
005 RPS (Radiation Protection Supervisor) Appointment Letter (.docx)
007 Waste fraction determination template (.docx)
008 Radiation Controlled Area and Equipment Handover Form (.pdf)
009 Sealed or Closed Source Record Form (.docx)
010 Source Accounting Record (.docx)
011 Transport Document for Excepted Packages (.docx)

Transport of Radioactive Substances - Request for Services Form (.docx)

013 Monthly Safety Checklist for enclosed x-ray equipment