Study and Work Away Service

What happens next?

What are the next steps after you've been offered a place on exchange?

Successful applicants are normally contacted in December/January after the application period, with details of where they have been allocated a place. Those who have been unsuccessful or who are on the reserve list are normally informed after the winter break.

If successful in your application, you will be asked to confirm acceptance of your exchange place to the Study and Work Away service (SWAY).  

SWAY will then nominate you to your designated host institution.  This will start the application process to your host institution.  Application to the host institution is usually a formality but is still absolutely necessary - your exchange place is provisional until you have successfully completed your host's admission process. 

Failure to complete your host's application process fully and on time may result in your exchange place being forfeited.

Click on the sections below to find out more about applying to your host institution and what to do if you decide not to take up your exchange place.