OPERAs in Dublin
Ecosystem services project welcomes international recognition.
OPERAs is a European research project, led by Prof. Mark Rounsevell, School of Geosciences, that aims to bridge the gap between ecosystem science and practice. The project has 27 partners from academic institutions, consultancies and SMEs across Europe. The OPERAs team comprises scientists, researchers and practitioners from many disciplines, working together to establish what constitutes good governance of ecosystems.
Ecosystems provide humankind with a wide range of resources, goods and services. Ecosystem services and natural capital provide guidance to better manage and preserve ourecosystems
In March, the OPERAs project team travelled to University College Dublin for it's fourth consortium meeting. Over three days members and delegates from across Europe came together to discuss and present progress across the breadth of ecosystem services research.
This meeting members were joined by the OPERAs Advisory Council members Dr Elena Bennett, McGill University and Dr Albert Norstrom, Stockholm Resilience Centre . Dr Bennet and Dr Norstrom gave invaluable positive feedback and invited application for OPERAs to become affiliated international organisation, the Programme on Ecosystem Change & Society (PECS), itself part of the global research platform, Future Earth
OPERAs continues to strenghten its outreach and dissemination work. New videos outlining some of the exemplar projects, of project member presentations and ecosystem services concept animations can be found here