2011 news
2011 news
New Visiting Professor
Professor Chuck Hopkins has been appointed Visiting Professor in the School of Education. His appointment was supported by and resonates with the themes of the GESA.
Dr Morgera Invited to Join the CBD Liaison Group
The Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has invited Dr Elisa Morgera to join the Liaison Group on the international legal framework on geo-engineering and biodiversity, which will assess existing regulatory and monitoring mechanisms for geo-engineering - a variety of technologies for the large-scale deliberate manipulation of the atmosphere and the biosphere to counteract the effects of climate change.
Climate hub to help shape green economy
A University centre that will help create low-carbon jobs and skills could help establish Scotland as a green economy.
Ellen MacArthur inspires students
Record breaking yachtswoman visits University to discuss sustainability.
Report from Water Workshop
UK Innovation Potential in Advanced Water Treatment: Future Direction & Strategy. 2nd Participatory Workshop on 6th December 2011.
A study of virtual conferences
Researchers at the University of Edinburgh discovered that business people were often put off using video-conferencing technology, despite the potential benefits, because they like to get out of the office and meet colleagues the old-fashioned way.
Prize awarded for Environmental Law
This international prize was founded in 1973 and until 2007 was jointly administered by International Council of Environmental Law (ICEL) and Université Libre de Bruxelles. In 2008, the Prize was moved to Stockholm and is being administered by ICEL and Stockholm University.
Climate change education
The complex and global nature of anthropogenic climate change makes addressing it a challenge for all nations, sectors and institutions.
Internship with International Organizations
Following the conclusion of the first edition of the LLM in Global Environment and Climate Change Law, several of our graduates are already working in international inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations specialising in environmental law.
Climate research bolsters 'action' call to UN talks
As ministers begin arriving at the UN climate talks in South Africa, new science is showing the challenges they face in trying to curb global warming.