Death on the Fringe featured talks by Edinburgh academics
University experts presented lectures at the just Festival as part of a series of events focusing on death and dying.
On Moday, 10 August, Professor Scott Murray discussed the contrasts between how people die in Kenya and Scotland, and how each country can learn from each other about living and dying well.
In the video below, Professor Murray discusses the challenges of providing end of life care in Africa.
On Monday, 17 August, Dr Jo Hockley, who has spent much of her career caring for people who are dying, shared stories and literature on the subject of death and dying alive.
Death on the Fringe is part of Good Life, Good Death, Good Grief, an ongoing charity-led campaign which seeks to promote more openness about death, dying and bereavement.
Event information
Place to Die: Africa or Scotland?
Monday 10 August 2015, 4.00pm
St John's Church, Princes Street
Tickets £5
Dying to tell
Monday 17 August 2015, 4.00pm
St John's Church, Princes Street
Tickets £5