
Terms of Reference

The approved Terms of Reference of the Estates Committee.

1. Purpose

To advise on the University’s physical and digital estate in order that it can deliver world-class integrated infrastructure to support academic, teaching, research and public engagement activities.

2. Composition

2.1 The Provost (Deputy Convener), the Vice-Principal & University Secretary, the Vice-Principal Corporate Services, the Vice-Principal, Chief Information Officer & Librarian to the University, the Director of Place, the Director of Strategic Planning & Insight, the Director of Estates and the Director of Finance shall be ex officio members of the Committee.

2.2 The other University staff members of the Committee shall consist of:

  • Vice-Principal Philanthropy and Advancement;
  • Director of Accommodation, Catering and Events;
  • Head of College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science (or their nominated senior officer);
  • Head of College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine (or their nominated senior officer);
  • Head of College of Science and Engineering (or their nominated senior officer);
  • Vice-Principal Students;
  • Director of Communications and Marketing;
  • Director of Social Responsibility and Sustainability; and
  • Director of EPCC

2.3 The Students' Association shall appoint, on an annual basis, a representative to be a member of the Committee. This will normally be the President of the Students' Association who will remain a member of the Committee for the length of their term of office.

2.4 Up to two lay members of Court and up to two external members shall be appointed by the Nominations Committee and Court informed of those appointed. At least two of these members shall be expected to have professional expertise relevant to the committee, with at least one with professional physical estates experience and at least one with professional digital estate experience, broadly defined. 

2.5 The term of office of lay members will be no longer than their membership of Court unless otherwise determined by Nominations Committee and shall normally be for a maximum of three years. The term of office of external members shall be determined by Nominations Committee and shall normally be for a maximum of three years.  Previous lay members and external members are eligible for re-appointment up to a normal maximum of two consecutive terms of office.

2.6 A lay member of Court or an external member shall be appointed by the Nominations Committee as the Convener of the Committee. The term of office for the Convener shall be determined by the Nominations Committee and shall normally be for a maximum of three years, eligible for re-appointment up to a normal maximum of two consecutive terms of office. Any previous term(s) on the Committee not spent as Convener shall not normally be considered as part of the normal term limits for the Convener position.   

2.7 The following University staff members shall be invited to attend all meetings of the Committee and shall receive all papers:

  • The Principal and Vice-Chancellor;
  • Director of Estate Development;
  • Director of Estates Operations;
  • Director of Estates Business Services;
  • Estates Policy and Governance Manager;
  • Director of Specialist Services (Finance);
  • Director of Philanthropy and Donor Relations, Development & Alumni;
  • Director of Applications & Deputy Chief Information Officer
  • Head of Knowledge Management & Planning, Information Services Group
  • Director of IT Infrastructure, Information Services Group
  • The Students’ Association Vice-President Community; and
  • Estates Governance and Committee Officer (to act as Secretary to the Committee)

Other Senior Officers of the University may be in attendance at the Committee as required.

2.8 Other individuals from within or out with the University may also be invited to attend meetings from time to time, as required.

2.9 All members of the Committee are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct for Court Members insofar as it applies to the Committee and declare any interests which may conflict with their responsibilities as members of the Committee.

3. Meetings

3.1 The Committee will meet as required to fulfil its remit and meet at least three times a year. Meetings may be held in person or virtually by the means of videoconference, teleconference or other means.

3.2 Five members of the Committee shall be a quorum. This number must include the Convener, or the Deputy Convener, or the Vice Principal Corporate Services, or the Director of Place, or the Director of Estates, or the Director of Finance, and one lay member of Court or external member. The Deputy Convener will convene the meeting in the absence of the Convener or in the absence of the Deputy Convener one of the ex officio members (see 2.1 above) shall be appointed Convener should the Convener and Deputy Convener be absent for the duration of the meeting.

3.3 Minutes, agendas and papers will normally be circulated to members of the Committee and those in attendance at least five working days in advance of the meeting. From time to time it may be necessary to distribute/table late papers, this would be at the discretion of the Convener.

3.4 Papers will indicate the originator/s and purpose of the paper, the matter/s which the Committee is being asked to consider and any action/s required and confirm the status of the paper in respect of Freedom of Information legislation.

3.5 A formal minute will be kept of proceedings and submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Committee. The draft minute will be agreed with the Convener of the Committee and in the case of the absence of the Convener at a meeting the Committee member appointed to act as Convener for the duration of that specific meeting.

3.6 The Committee may also function between meetings with critical matters being progressed by electronic correspondence or other means through the Estates Committee Exception Group (ECEG) or in exceptional circumstances, with the agreement of the Convener, by correspondence to the full Committee. Any decision/s taken will be formally noted at the next meeting of the Committee. ECEG will comprise the Convener, Provost, Director of Finance, Director of Place, Director of Estates and any lay Court members or external members (if the external members are specialists on the topic(s) in question) of the Committee, and occasionally other members as relevant to the specific issue at hand. A majority of Exception Group members, including a majority of any lay or external members, shall be a quorum. Members of Estates Committee will be informed that a decision of the Exception Group has been requested and further be informed once the Exception Group decision has been made with relevant papers being made available to Committee members.

4. Remit

Strategic Direction

4.1 To contribute to the University’s vision and to oversee the University Estates strategy and alignment between the Estates and Digital strategies, modifying this periodically, taking account of the overall strategic direction of the University.

4.2 To monitor progress on targets and goals set out in the Estates Strategy and the implementation of capital development plans.

4.3 To monitor the delivery of the Estates Strategy, ensuring broad compliance with University strategic and statutory commitments coupled with the responsibilities and obligations to manage and reduce carbon emissions and broader sustainability commitments.

4.4 To consider and approve or reject estates (physical or digital) business cases. To monitor implementation of ongoing projects against agreed business cases. To provide the University with an appropriate level of assurance that the financial and non-financial benefits from agreed business cases are predictable and are on track to be delivered throughout the whole life of the project. To conduct post-implementation reviews of completed projects at a threshold level to be agreed by the Committee.

4.5 To consider and recommend to University Court the prioritisation of Capital Projects in line with University strategy and business requirements.


4.6 To approve financial commitments for all related capital expenditure in accordance with the levels set out in the approved Delegated Authority Schedule.

4.7 To approve acquisitions, disposals and leases of land and property in accordance with the levels set out in the approved Delegated Authority Schedule (DAS).

4.8 To approve the contract award of all goods, services and works on approved plans within the Committee’s remit prior to formal signature in accordance with the levels set out in the approved Delegated Authority Schedule (DAS).

4.9 To consider the capital estates programme for in advance of further consideration  by the University’s Policy and Resources Committee and University Court, to monitor progress in taking forward the agreed programme, to advise on any matters of concern and recommend proposals for subsequent amendments to the programme as appropriate.

Policy and Advice

4.10 To consider advice from any executive advisory groups to the Committee.

4.11 To consider estates related policies for approval by University Executive.

4.12 To consider estates management implications associated with changing legislation, local government planning and governance requirements.

4.13 To consider and advise on significant matters related to the size of and deployment of Estates operational budget and other operational matters for which the Director of Place or the Director of Estates wishes advice or support.

5. Other

5.1 The Committee will from time to time undertake a review of its own performance and effectiveness which may be as part of the overall review of the effectiveness of Court and its Committees and report thereon to Policy and Resources Committee.

5.2 In order to fulfil its remit, the Committee may obtain external professional advice as necessary.

5.3 The Committee will report after each meeting to the Policy and Resources Committee and as appropriate consult with and provide separate papers to other Committees and Groups in particular the University Executive and Court.

5.4 Agenda, papers and approved minutes will be published on the University’s website in accordance with the University’s agreed publication scheme and freedom of information legislation. This will include details on the membership of the Committee.

Approved by Policy & Resources Committee, August 2022