New staff members joining the centre
Community ecology and environmental genomics are expanding with new members of staff.
Welcome to Guillaume Latombe and Katerina Guschanski
We are very happy that we will shortly be welcoming two new staff members to the Centre. Dr Guillaume Latombe will be joining us in November 2020 and Dr Katerina Guschanski will be joining us in January 2021.
Guillaume is our new lecturer in Environmental Change Biology. He is an ecological modeller and mathematical ecologist. His research is at the interface of community ecology, macroecology and invasion science. He is especially interested in modelling ecological communities in the context of biological invasions to understand how different patterns, in particular spatial patterns, emerge from community assembly processes. Guillaume joins us from the University of Vienna where he has been working on the Alien Scenarios project evaluating the range of possible future biological invasions for the 21st century at different spatial scales and for a range of taxonomic groups. He will be helping us establish our new MSc in Biodiversity and Environmental Change.
Katerina is our new Senior lecturer in Environmental Genomics. She is an evolutionary ecologist interested in understanding evolutionary processes that lead to biological diversity within and among populations and species. Focusing on nonhuman primates, her group studies population dynamics, speciation, adaptation and character trait evolution by combining genetic and genomic tools with ecological, morphological and climatic data. Many primate taxa are threatened or endangered -their research aims to contribute to their conservation by providing valuable arguments and data for conservation efforts.
Photo credits (c) Guillaume Latombe and Katerina Guschanski