Moray House School of Education and Sport

Is this programme for me? / An e seo am prògram dhomhsa?

Idea of the kind of applicants we are looking for our Primary Education with Gaelic programme. / An seòrsa tagraiche a tha sinn a' sireadh airson Prògram Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig.

Computer boy

What kind of students thrive on this programme?  

Are you:

  • Enthusiastic and thoughtful?
  • Do you have experience of working with children in educational settings?
  • Do you have a strong academic profile and an interest and aptitude for languages?
  • Have you reflected on the processes of learning and teaching and the complex role of schooling in modern societies?

If so, Primary Education with Gaelic MA might be the right programme for you.

Other requirements

If you apply for the Learners programme, you will need to demonstrate aptitude for language learning.

If you apply for the Fluent Speakers programme, you must have a Higher in Gàidhlig or Gaelic.

All applicants should seek to gain experience of volunteering in local primary schools, and undertaking other educational activities with primary-aged children.


 Dè seòrsa oileanaich a bhios soirbheachail air a' phrògram seo?  

A bheil thu:

  • Dealasach, beò-inntinneach?
  • A bheil thu air obrachadh le clann ann an suidheachaidhean foghlaim roimhe?
  • A bheil comasan acadaimigeach làidir agus ùidh agus comas agad ann an cànanan?
  • A bheil thu air beachdachadh air pròiseasan teagaisg agus ionnsachaidh agus air an dleastanas toinnte aig sgoiltean ann an comainn-shòisealta an latha an-diugh?

Ma tha, dh'fhaodte gur e MA ann am Foghlam Bun-sgoile le Gàidhlig an cùrsa dhutsa.

Riatanasan eile

Ma chuireas tu a-steach airson prògram an Luchd-ionnsachaidh, bidh agad ri dearbhadh gu bheil thu comasach  air cànanan ionnsachadh.

Feumaidh tagraichean don cheum airson Fileantaich Àrd-ìre ann an Gàidhlig no Gaelic.

Bu chòir do dh’oileanaich a tha beachdachadh air a’ chùrsa a dhèanamh a dhol an sàs ann an obair shaor-thoileach ann am bun-sgoiltean ionadail, agus a dhol an sàs ann an gnìomhan no tachartasan eile le cloinn aois bun-sgoile.