
Social Justice and Inclusion

The Social Justice and Inclusion Thematic Hub continues Moray House's long tradition of and commitment to research and knowledge exchange aimed at understanding and addressing inequality and injustice.

Our research encompasses the work of many colleagues engaged in a diverse range of research topics underpinned by the core values of equity, equal opportunity, respect for human dignity and diversity. It is multidisciplinary, uses a range of theoretical and methodological approaches, and informs policy and practice across different contexts.  

The aim is to create a strong research community where we share knowledge, identify new opportunities for collaboration, help members develop research capacity and provide peer support for both research staff and PGR students to maximise synergy in research. 

We actively engage with other thematic hubs, schools and centres across the University. Members of our Thematic Hub engage in wider cross-university and international networks, and teaching programmes that cover policy, curricular and pedagogical approaches that promote social justice and inclusion. 

Hub leadership team

Dr Pauline Duncan

Protesting crowd holding a sign that says 'We need a change'

Hub role: Lead on Knowledge Exchange

School role: Research Associate, STEP

Email Pauline Duncan


Dr Lindsey Horner

Hub role: Lead on PGR applications and training / professional development

School role: Academic Coordinator of Adjustments and Accessible Learning / Lecturer in Education in International Development

Email Lindsey Horner


Dr Callum McGregor

Hub role: Leadership Team Member and Representative of CERG

School role: Lecturer in Education

Email Callum McGregor


Dr Nataša Pantić

Hub role: Leadership Team Member and Representative of CREID

School role: Senior Lecturer

Email Nataša Pantić


Group of children looking at a globe

Erin Mcgee

Hub role: Research Adm

Research Administrator

Email Erin Mcgee


Dr Sarah Ward

Hub role: Lead on Research Ethics

School role: Lecturer in Learning in Communities

Email Sarah Ward

Research students

See what research students in our Hub are working on, and find information about applying for a PGR programme at Moray House School of Education and Sport.

Our student community

How to apply for postgraduate research

Centres, Groups and Networks

Community Education Research Group (CERG)

Our Community Education Research Group has an international reputation for work in community development, adult popular education, adult literacy learning, youth work, critical policy analysis, and learning and social movements.

About CERG

Centre for Educational Sociology (CES)

CES carries out research in the social sciences of education that is independent, methodologically sound and that explores fundamental issues about the purposes and processes of education, and of policy in education, with a starting point in Scotland, but located in the wider framework of Europe.

​​​​​​Visit CES's website 

Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID)

The Centre for Research in Education Inclusion and Diversity (CREID) undertakes research exploring issues of inclusion and diversity in relation to children, young people and adults in education and related areas of policy and practice (including health, social welfare, training and employment).

About CREID  

Comparative Education and International Development (CEID) Research Group

The CEID Research Group brings together a diverse group of researchers, scholars, and practitioners working on or interested in Comparative Education and/or Education and International Development. It aims to benefit the local and global community as a hub for critical reflection and evaluation, investigating the direct and indirect potential of education by exploring its complex, interdependent relationship with social and political contexts. Projects often have an applied aspect and include collaborations with individuals and institutions within and beyond academia.

About CEID  

Race and Inclusivity in Global Education Network (RIGEN)

RIGEN brings together members with an interest in race, cultural inclusivity, internationalisation and decoloniality in education. Our research spans national and international as well as formal and informal educational contexts, and our members’ work ranges from the early years to higher education.


Research-led Teacher Education Network (RTEN)

RTEN is an interdisciplinary network for dialogue and collaboration in research on teachers, teaching and teacher education, knowledge Exchange between academic and non-academic partners, research-led development of teacher education, drawing upon the wide range of research at the University of Edinburgh and internationally.

About RTEN

Scottish Sensory Centre (SSC)

The mission of the Scottish Sensory Centre is to foster educational, research and development activities relating to children and young people with a sensory impairment in Scotland for everyone who is involved in the education of deaf children, deafblind children and visually impaired children and young people, the young people themselves and their families. 

Visit SSC's website 

STEP - Centre for Mobile Cultures and Education

STEP is in the unique position of being able to straddle research, policy and practice. Our aim is to exploit this unique position for the benefit of mobile communities – to achieve this we have developed rigorous approaches to working with our many stakeholders. 

STEP is a knowledge exchange centre supporting equitable access to education for traditionally nomadic cultures. It is funded mainly by Scottish Government and is based at the University of Edinburgh. 

The centre connects education leaders, teachers, and families to ensure that education is accessible, culturally relevant and has the highest expectations for all children and young people from mobile cultures in Scotland. 

We use creative and digital approaches to increase the representation of nomadic communities in decision-making around education, drawing on community voices to inspire new models for nomadic education. 

Visit STEP's website   


We regularly host events related to the research and work happening within our Hub. Check our events page to see what's coming up soon.

View events 

Further information

Contact the Social Justice and Inclusion Thematic Hub

 Read our privacy policy


Hub members can access more information relating to the hub via our SharePoint site.

Social Justice and Inclusion Thematic Hub SharePoint [Hub login required]