Moray House School of Education and Sport

Returning to teaching course

This is an online course aimed at primary and secondary teachers who have been out of the profession for a while or have graduated abroad and would like to get back into a teaching job in Scotland.

Children with their hands up

Moray House School of Education and Sport, in partnership with our six partner authorities (City of Edinburgh Council, East Lothian, Fife, Midlothian, Scottish Borders and West Lothian) is offering this online Returning to Teaching course for primary and secondary teachers. 

The course is designed for professionals who have a teaching qualification but have had a career break or are new to the Scottish Education system. It runs twice a year, in September and February/March. 

Who this course is for

The course will be most relevant for:

  • those wishing to return to teaching in Scotland after a period away from the profession

  • those wishing to teach in Primary or Secondary schools in Scotland for the first time
  • those who wish to engage with the course to support a Professional Update submission to the GTCS
  • teachers in the independent sector to support a potential GTCS registration application

Course aims

Our students will:

  • understand and engage with current National Education Policy and the Professional Teaching Standards in Scotland, learning about recent changes in national priorities
  • work collaboratively to develop an awareness of professional identity and teacher professionalism, discovering themselves as learners and practitioners committed to career-long professional learning
  • develop a critical awareness of their own values, beliefs and practices and how these align with the Professional Standards and current educational policy in Scotland
  • consider and engage with key areas of social justice and equality in the classroom and develop thinking and strategies for a socially just classroom
  • understand key legal and policy requirements relating to inclusive policies and strategies in school to address barriers to learning

The course will:

  • advise on current curriculum guidelines and their implications for professional practice
  • increase confidence in completing applications and preparing for interview

Course delivery

The current course is running 20 September to 6 December.

This 10-week course is run fully online and all resources are available on Moodle,  our online learning platform. We recommend setting aside 4-6 hours per week to fully engage with the course content, which is made up of pre-recorded videos, reading material and weekly discussions. 

Please see below for an indication of the topics included in the course starting in September 2024. Each new week starts on a Friday.

Each week has a specific theme and the discussion is based on this theme. Halfway through the course there is a catch-up week where you can either take a break or catch up on your studies and/or further your knowledge on a particular topic by using the course virtual library.

Please note, there are no  scheduled sessions. Once a week opens, participants have access to its content for the duration of the course and can choose to study at times that suit them.

Week 0 (online)

From Friday 20 September

Introduction to Returning to Teaching (RTT) and the landscape of education in Scotland

Week 1 (online)

From Friday 27 September

Professional Values, Professional Standards, Learning for Sustainability, The National Attainment Challenge

Week 2 (online)

From Friday 04 October

Introduction to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence: principles, design and purpose

Week 3 (online)

From Friday 11 October

Curriculum for Excellence / Curriculum for Excellence in Practice / Critical literacy in the classroom

Week 4 (online)

From Friday 18 October

Curriculum for Excellence  / The planning process

Catch-up week

From Friday 25 October

Time to catch up on readings or engage in additional readings on the subject of your choice or even take a break.

 Week 5 (online)

From Friday 01 November

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC), Child Protection, Mentally Healthy School

Week 6 (online)

From Friday 08 November

Equality and diversity

Week 7 (online)

From Friday 15 November

Inclusive pedagogies / Additional support needs (ASN), policies and practice

Week 8 (online)

From Friday 22 November

Positive relationship and restorative approaches

Week 9 (online)

From Friday 29 November

Assessment, careers and qualifications

Week 10 (online)

From Friday 06 December

Digital literacy, professional learning and job applications



Participation at the weekly discussions is recorded and you have to take part in at least eight of them in order to complete the course. You are also required to submit an assessment by answering five questions reflecting against the GTCS' Professional Standards.

Enrolment requirements

You must be a fully qualified teacher (qualifications obtained either in Scotland, the UK or abroad) and be eligible to register with the GTCS (General Teaching Council for Scotland) as this is a compulsory requirement to teach in Scotland. You should contact the GTCS directly before booking a place on the course if you are unsure.

Contact the GTCS 

Learn more about the GTCS (General Teaching  Council for Scotland)

You do not need to have received your full registration before enrolling on the course but it is advisable to start the process as it can be a lengthy procedure. Please note that if you do not have teaching qualifications, this course is not suitable for you.

Booking information

Course fee: £480

Booking is now closed  for the September 2024 course. 

Unfortunately this course is self-funded and there is no funding or grant available to help pay for the fee. Payment must be made by card in one instalment and the course fee is non-refundable.

For any  enquiries please contact the Professional Learning team:


Feedback from previous participants

It has highlighted and given me a clearer understanding of current issues in the Scottish education system.  I have gained a wealth of knowledge and a supportive group of colleagues to work  collaboratively with in the future.

Course participant, 2021

The course has given me much more confidence than I previously had. I feel secure in my knowledge of current policies and practices.

Course participants, 2020

The course was well lead, very supportive and manageable despite working full time and having a family. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone considering a return to teaching to complete this course (actually I think it should be compulsory).

Course participant, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the course and feel motivated and enthusiastic about returning to teaching. The clips and presentations were excellent, and extremely helpful.

Course Participant, 2019

Useful links