Graduate Student Experience and Support
For Moray House students: information, advice and guidance on our student community and on the support available during your studies with us.
We are here all year round to offer you support and guidance and form a key part of the support network available to you as a student at Moray House School of Education and Sport. We are your first point of contact for a variety of enquiries and non-academic issues. We can connect you to a variety of sources of support available to students, and offer help when you need it.
An example of when you might want to get in touch with us is if difficult or unforeseen circumstances affect your time at University, or in some way interfere with your studies. If you experience any difficulties in this way, it is really important that you let us know as soon as possible – we can advise you on your options and the resources which are available to you.
Our contact hours
Monday – Friday: 09:00 – 17:00 GMT
Studying in a different time zone? Use this website to match your time zone to ours:
There are many ways to contact us
- Email the Student Experience and Support Office
- In-person appointments (drop-in) at our office in G.09, Charteris Land (find Charteris Land on campus maps)
- Online live chat (access the online chat function from the Moray House Student Hub)
- Online appointments (email with 'online appointment' in the subject line)
Find out more on the Moray House Student Hub.
Student Experience and Support Office team
Joe Stroud - Head of Student Support |
Emily Birtles - Student Experience Officer |
Laura Murray - Student Advice and Support Assistant |
Hanna Albrecht - Student Adviser |
Alice Brander - Student Adviser |
Lisa Cook - Student Adviser |
Muireann Crowley - Student Adviser |
Daniel Davis Wood - Student Adviser |
Ciara Foster - Student Adviser |
Sian Gowans - Student Adviser |
Alison Hendry - Student Adviser |
Luke Scott - Student Adviser |
Brendan Seenan - Student Adviser |
Kelly Ford - Wellbeing Adviser |
Students on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught programmes at Moray House will have a named ‘Student Adviser’ and an ‘Academic Cohort Lead’.
On the following page you can find out information about the student support model in the university.
We seek to offer a thriving social experience to all of our students. From health walks to academic writing sessions to student-led initiatives which aim to positively impact society, there are a range of events and opportunities for students to get involved with throughout the year.
We are committed to ensuring inclusivity and promoting equality. We offer support for student initiatives that are aimed at community-building, facilitate the exchange of ideas and provide advice as to the various ways in which students can get involved with peers in their programme, within the School and beyond.
Community events information for current students (on intranet)
Your voice is an integral part of our planning, and we are committed to listening to your thoughts and views and working with you to try and ensure we respond and adapt in the best way possible.
We have a range of projects and initiatives in which we hope you will participate. We also have an active Programme Rep community to help support you. They work in partnership with staff to improve the student experience for current and future students.
Student Voice Information for Current Students (on intranet)
A range of academic and pastoral support services is available for all students in the university. This includes academic guidance from the Institute for Academic Development, Careers guidance, and workshops and resources from English Language Education.
Health and wellbeing support, sport and exercise facilities and the EUSA Advice Place are also available, as well as the Student Immigration Service for international students.
The Disability and Learning Support Service supports students with a range of health conditions, learning differences, disabilities and some temporary injuries. There is also information available on how students with disabilities are supported in the School.
Support is also available for students who are carers, estranged or care experienced.
- Institute for Academic Development (IAD)
- Careers Service
- English Language Education
- Health and Wellbeing services
- Sport and Exercise
- EUSA Advice Place
- Student Immigration Service
- Disability and Learning Support Service
- Information for students with Disabilities at Moray House
- Information for carers, estranged or care experienced