Moray House School of Education and Sport

Updating your profile

Steps - for our staff or research students - on how to access to update their profile on the School website.

Updating your profile on the School website

If you are a member of staff or a research student here at Moray House School of Education and Sport, please keep your profile as up to date as possible. To update your profile:

  1. Click the tiny grey coloured "<CMS login >" link at the very bottom right of your profile page (not the red 'MyEd' button)
  2. Click your name on the red coloured bar at the top of the screen
  3. Click "View profile" tab on the white bar under the red bar
  4. Click the large red "View profile page” button
  5. Click "New draft” button (top right) and apply your edits
  6. Once edits complete, hit the yellow ‘Publish’ button (bottom right)

Note: Please DO NOT edit the area called 'URL segment' (even though the word 'Edit' is there)

If you have problems updating your profile, please email the School web developer.

Email the School Digital Content Officer


To initially see your profile, click on your name on our 'People' pages:

'People’ pages

If you have a PURE (Research Explorer) profile, you can set your publications list from there to auto-feed through to your profile on the School website. To do this, go to the ‘PURE data feed’ tab (of your School profile) and add your ‘Pure ID’ number + the number to publications you’ll like listed.

If you do not have a profile page on the School website

If you are a member of staff

If you don’t see your name listed on any of the School website's 'People' pages after a month of you starting work here, it’s probably because you don’t have an ‘email alias’ email address.

- See if you are on our 'People’ pages

An email alias is required to allow the School web developer start a profile off for you (+ to add listings for you) on our School website's  'People' pages.  

So, if you don’t have an email alias - and would like a profile + listing on the School website - please request your this as soon as possible.

- Form to request your 'email alias'

An 'email alias' email address is usually your 'firstname.lastname'

Note: When starting off your profile for you, we add initial information only - ie, your name, role + contact details. We will let you know when it is published on the School website. Then it's over to you to please add more details to your profile and always keep it as up to date as possible. Steps on how to update your profile are at the top of this page. 


If you are a research student

If you are a research student here at Moray House and you do not see your name listed - and linked to a profile page for you - on our ‘Research Students' page after a month of your arrival here, please contact our Postgraduate Research Programmes Officer and request a profile + listing be added to the School website for you. 

- See if you are on our ‘Research Students' page

- Contact the Postgraduate Research Programmes Officer

When your profile page has been created, please add more details to it and keep it as up to date as possible. Steps on how to update your profile are at the top of this page.