Covid-19 Response
Find out how The School of Economics community, researchers and experts are responding to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
What will happen if trade and mobility are permanently reduced?
It is unclear how long restrictions on trade and travel will remain in place – and too soon to say if coronavirus will permanently reduce cross-border flows of goods, services and people. But there is plenty of evidence on the potential damage to the world economy. Robert Zymek discusses in this column for Economics Observatory.
Lockdown accounting
The School of Economics' Jan Grobovšek writes in this CEPR column about the potential GDP and employment effects of lockdown policies for a broad cross-section of countries ranging in income per capita from Niger to Luxembourg.
Robert Zymek featured in Fraser of Allander Institute's expert Economic Commentary
The Fraser of Allander Institute based at the University of Strathclyde published its latest Economic Commentary featuring a diverse range of expert views on the current economic outlook, including the School of Economics' Robert Zymek.
Six Country Survey on Covid-19
Michèle Belot collected data on representative samples across 6 countries on variables related to Covid-19 to be used by the wider research community.
The role of testing and age-composition in the Covid-19 epidemic
Philipp Kircher has co-authored a new study investigating the role of testing and age-composition in the Covid-19 epidemic which indicates strong stay-at-home policies must remain in place sufficiently close to when a vaccine is found to avoid a rebound in the disease.
Economic models used to analyse the spread of an epidemic
Robert Zymek has published a new short paper on how modelling tricks from trade economics can be used to analyse the spread of an epidemic, and the impact of quarantines.
Who can work at home around the world?
In poor countries self-employed share is large & their occupational composition not conducive to work from home, study from Jan Grobovšek shows.
Economic activity halved in Spain’s lockdown
Economic activity in Spain reduced by nearly a half during the coronavirus lockdown, study from Sevi Rodriguez Mora shows.