Holocaust Memorial Day Talk

Join us on Zoom as we welcome guest speaker, Eve Kugler, a survivor of the Holocaust, and hear about her experiences. Followed by a Q&A.

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) 2021, we are honoured to be joined by Eve Kugler, a survivor of the Holocaust for a special online event where she will share her remarkable story.

This event will take place via Zoom, Thursday 28th January, 17:00 – 18:30 (GMT).

Please click here to register for the Zoom link.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Divinity.postgrad@ed.ac.uk.

Eve Kugler

Born in Germany, Eve was seven years old in 1938 when Kristallnacht – the night of broken glass – took place. Her family were torn apart by the Nazis, but miraculously survived and were reunited in 1946 after the war ended. She has written about her experience in Shattered Crystals, a book co-written with her mother Mia Amalia Kanner.  

About Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD)

Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) takes place 27January each year, and serves to remember and pay respect to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust under Nazi persecution. It is also a time to seek to learn the lessons of the past, and recognise the steady process of discrimination, racism and hatred that can lead to genocide. The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 is “Be the light in the darkness”.