Theology in a time of crisis

Dr Sarah Lane Ritchie and Dr Tripp Fuller have been awarded £5,000 to facilitate international, interdisciplinary theological discourse and reflection on the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The project - TheoCon: Theology in a Time of Crisis – will be funded through a Rapid Response Impact Grant from the University of Edinburgh’s College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Theology and Science Lecturer Dr Ritchie says,

“The work will enable academics across institutions and theological sub-disciplines to engage not only each other, but the wider public as well.

“Throughout the month of June, TheoCon will host and produce virtual gatherings centred around the areas of Science and Theology, Systematic Theology, Theology and the Arts, Practical Theology, Philosophical Theology, Theological Ethics, Process theology, Lived Theology, and Text and Traditions.

“Invited scholars will prepare and video-record talks, which will be made available to the public and fellow scholars for theological debate, dialogue, and reflection.

“Panel events will provide opportunities for academic responses, as well as for direct engagement with non-academic audiences. All materials will be recorded and made available for ongoing access.”

“TheoCon is intended to bring the best of theological thought into direct contact with the global crisis in which we now find ourselves."

Dr Fuller is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School.


Dr Ritchie’s profile 

Dr Fuller’s podcast channel

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (CAHSS)

CAHSS impact research