2016 Seminars & Events

List of the 2016 Seminars & Events at the Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences.

Restoring function after spinal cord injury: targeting glial scar matrix and endogenous repair processes

A functional perspective on neocortical grey matter myelination

Light on an ancestral sensory interface linking cerebrospinal fluid to motor circuits in vertebrates

Microglial dynamics in health and disease

In Vivo Analysis of Mitochondrial Structure, Function and Dynamics in the Nervous System

Emerging Therapeutic Targets in CADASIL, a Genetic Archetype of Vascular Dementia

Neuronal Traffic Control – Microtubule Organisation and Motor Activity

Making and Breaking Neural Progenitor Polarity During Morphogenesis and Neurogenesis in aVertebrate Embryo Brain

Novel Insights into Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Oxidative Damage in Multiple Sclerosis

Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow by Capillary Pericytes, in Health and Disease

Huntingtin: Linking Fast Axonal Transport, Energy Supply and Neurotrophin Signaling

TGF-β2: cytokines as activity-dependent regulators of efficacy and fatigability at mammalian synapses

Dr Guy Bewick (University of Aberdeen)

Host: Andrew Jarman

Reactivation of stalled polysomes; a neuronal specific mechanisms of translational control

Dr Wayne Sossin (McGill, CA)

Host: Robyn McAdam

Signalling mechanisms regulating stem cell fate, pituitary gland, hormone secretion.

Dr Cynthia Andoniadou (KCL)

Host: Paul Le Tissier

Control of breathing in animal models of sleep apnoea and Duchene muscular dystrophy

Prof Ken O'Halloran (Univ Coll Cork, Ireland)

Host: Mark Evans

Ageing men and their selfish testes: implications for human disease

Prof Anne Goriely (University of Oxford)

Host: Norah Spears

Women in Science - Round-table discussion for researchers. Female CIP-seminar speakers will talk about their careers and share their experience as women in science

Speaker: Dr Stephanie Schorge (UCL)

Gene therapy for epilepsy: progress and pitfalls

Dr Stephanie Schorge (UCL)

Host: Alfredo Gonzalez-Sulser

Workshop on ImageJ/Fiji - IMPACT imaging facility

This is a basic/intermediate workshop on ImageJ/Fiji. It will consist of introductory talk followed by worked-out examples. Participation is free. Please contact Anisha Kubasik-Thayil (anisha.kubasik@ed.ac.uk) to reserve a place.

Neural circuit mechanisms for estimating location

Prof Matt Nolan (CIP)

Hosts: Karen Smillie and Emanuel Busch

Workshop on ImageJ/Fiji - IMPACT imaging facility

This is a basic/intermediate workshop on ImageJ/Fiji. It will consist of introductory talk followed by worked-out examples. Participation is free. Please contact Anisha Kubasik-Thayil (anisha.kubasik@ed.ac.uk) to reserve a place.

Neural tube closure and spina bifida: from developmental mechanisms to prevention in humans

Prof Andrew Copp (UCL)

Host: David Price

The brain oxytocin system: Modulator of socio-emotional behaviours

Prof Inga Neuma (Regensburg, Germany)

Host: Mike Ludwig

The vestibular system as a gateway to motor circuits.

Dr Andrew Murray (Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, UCL)

Host: Matt Nolan

Optoelectrical dynamics of large conductance voltage- and calcium-gated potassium channels.

Dr Teresa Giraldez (Departamento de Fisiología, La Laguna, Spain)

Host: Mike Shipston

Women in Science Round-table discussion for researchers. Female CIP-seminar speakers will talk about their careers and share their experience as women in science.

Speaker: Prof Gillian Bates (UCL)

Mary Pickford Lecture - Insights into the Molecular Basis of Huntington’s Disease – from Gene to Therapy.

This year's annual lecture will be delivered by Prof Gillian Bates (UCL) on 23 September in the Teviot Lecture Theatre, Medical School, Teviot.

Announcement and award of the Alison Douglas Prize for the best PhD thesis will be made at 12:45 pm; lecture starts at 1 pm.

Functionally dissecting cilia in development and disease

Dr Pleasantine Mill (IGMM, Edinburgh)

Host: Thomas Theil

Deanery Symposium 2016

The 2016 joint Symposium will take place on Wed, 7th September in the QMRI Lecture Theatre, Little France.

This Symposium will be an excellent opportunity to  find out and discuss the latest findings of our postdoctoral researchers, reflecting the research of our Centres. Talks are followed by a social event which will allow for further discussion of ideas and hopefully opportunities for potential collaborations.


Molecular regulation of the synaptic vesicle cycle in Drosophila

Dr Noreen E. Reist (Colorado State University)

Host: Richard Ribchester

Scottish Developmental Biology Group Meeting

Thu, 16th June; 10:00 am - 6:00 pm, venue: Old Medical School Teviot Place

Scottish Developmental Group Meeting - Programme (612.75 KB)

Memory for time intervals in cerebellar Purkinje cells

Prof Germund Hesslow (Lund University)

Host: Marlies Oostland

Patterning of the cerebral cortex

Dr Shen-Ju Chou (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Host: David Price

Strategies to preserve the primordial follicle reserve in the ovary

Dr Francesca Klinger (University of Rome Tor Vergata)

Host: Federica Lopes

Fast and slow inhibition in hippocampal networks

Prof Imre Vida (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

Host: Sam Booker

Maps to make you move: the organisation of a motor system as revealed by EM and electrophysiology

Dr Maarten Zwart (Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, US)

Host: Richard Ribchester

Amoebae - the original eukaryotes

Dr Sutherland Maciver (CIP)

Host: Mandy Jackson & Emanuel Busch

Model Organisms in Neuroscience: from robots to sheep

21st of April 2016 at the Informatics Forum (10 Crichton Street).

ModON Networking Meeting

GFP - Lighting up Life

Prof Martin Chalfie (Columbia University)

Host: Maria Doitsidou

Antennal ears in flies: Delicate sensors and powerful tools of sensory biology

Dr Joerg Albert (UCL)

Host: Andrew Jarman

Controlling neural stem cells to improve cognitive function

Prof Federico Calegari (TU Dresden)

Host: Thomas Theil

Women in Science Round-table discussion for female researchers. Female CIP-seminar speakers will talk about their careers and share their experience as women in science.

Speaker: Prof Mala Shah (UCL, London)

Friday, 18th March 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, venue: Hugh Robson Building, room:G6

Dendritic and pre-synaptic HCN channels: function, trafficking and plasticity

Prof Mala Shah (UCL, London)

Host: Matt Nolan

Reconstruction of synaptic vesicles: What happens when it goes right and when it goes wrong

Prof Mike Cousin (CIP)

Host: Mandy Jackson & Emanuel Busch

Regulation of oxygen delivery by AMPK

Prof Mark Evans (CIP)

Host: Mandy Jackson & Emanuel Busch

Emerging functions for chromatin remodelling factors in brain development and autism

Dr Albert Basson (King's College London)

Host: John Mason

The role of grid cells in navigation and memory

Dr Caswell Barry (UCL)

Host: Matt Nolan

Gli3 – a colossal gene for callosal development

Dr Thomas Theil (CIP)

Host: Mandy Jackson & Emanuel Busch

Synaptic integration in circuits controlling mouse instinctive behaviours

Dr Tiago Branco (LMB)

Host: Ian Duguid

Imaging and manipulating pituitary function

Dr Paul Le Tissier (CIP)

Host: Mandy Jackson & Emanuel Busch

The Patrick Wild Centre - Mini Symposium

Gaddum Lecture Theatre, 1 George Square, 20th January - 2 pm

Guest speakers: Professor Kim Huber (UT Southwestern Medical Centre); Dr Dilja Krueger (Max-Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine)

How do carbohydrates instruct brain development?

Dr Tom Pratt (CIP)

Host: Mandy Jackson & Emanuel Busch