2008 seminars & events

Archived list of the 2008 seminars & events at the Centre for Integrative Physiology.


Feeding signals to the hungry mind

Wednesday 13 February 2008, 1.30pm

Dr Nina Balthasar (University of Bristol)

*2007/2008 Physiological Society GL Brown Prize Lecture*

Genes & Development Group seminar afternoon

Wednesday 27 February 2008, 1.30pm

•'Foxa genes regulate multiple phases of midbrain dopaminergic neuron development' - Dr Siew-Lan Ang (National Institute for Medical Research, London)
•'Identification of small compounds that mimic insulin action on the longevity factor FOXO1a' - Graham Rena (University of Dundee)
•'A role for the forkhead gene fd3F in Drosophila sensory organ development' - Fay Newton (CIP, University of Edinburgh)
•'Forkhead genes and the ovary' - Norah Spears (CIP, University of Edinburgh)
•'Role of Foxg1 in the regulation of telencephalic progenitor proliferation' - Martine Manuel (CIP, University of Edinburgh)


Imaging tissue renewal in the human colonic epithelium: confessions of a cryptomaniac

Wednesday 26 March 2008, 3.30pm
Dr Mark Williams (University of East Anglia)


Dynamin's role in synaptic transmission: A target for new anti-epileptic drug discovery

Monday 7 April 2008, 12.30pm
Prof Phillip Robinson (Children's Medical Research Institute, Sydney, Australia)

Stress and obesity: the neuropeptide Y link

Tuesday 22 April 2008, 12.30pm
Dr Zofia Zukowska (Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA)

Second Edinburgh Vesicle Trafficking Consortium seminar series

Wednesday 23 April 2008, 12.30pm

•'Novel regulators for gonadothrophins' - Prof Bob Millar (MRC Human Reproductive Sciences Unit) •'Secretory vesicle trafficking in neuroendocrine cells - saturable and re-usable golgi apparatus exit sites control vesicle supply to regulated secretory pools' - Dr Rolly Wiegand (CIP, University of Edinburgh)
•'Activity-dependent release of neurotransmitters and peptides: like, but unlike' - Prof Gareth Leng (CIP, University of Edinburgh)
•'Compound exocytosis in pancreatic beta-cells' - Prof Patrik Rorsman (Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism)


26 September

'Calcium signalling by cADPR and NAADP in arterial smooth muscle: which compartment and where?'

Dr Mark Evans (CIP, University of Edinburgh)

October 2008

15 October

'The role of human chorionic gonadotrophin in implantation'

Host: Dr Alison Douglas

17 October

Growing pains – mechanisms of bone lengthening

Dr Peter Bush (CIP, University of Edinburgh)

Host: Dr Andew Hall

23 October

Regulation of cortical area identity and cell-type specification: COUP-TFI as a paradigm

Host: Dr Thomas Theil

31 October

The secretory pathway of endothelial cells

Dr Matthew Hannah (NIMR, London)

Host: Dr Paul Skehel

November 2008

7 November

Principles of topographic mapping in the retinotectal projection

  • Dr Uwe Drescher (King's College, London)

Host: Prof David Price

21 November

Characterization and roles of neocortical interneurons

Dr Jean Rossier (Ecole Superieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles de la Ville de Paris, France)

Host: Prof Gareth Leng

24 November

Development of timing fidelity in somatosensory cortex

Dr Michael Daw (NIH/NICHD, Bethesda, MD, USA)

Host: Dr Matt Nolan

28 November

Structure, dynamics and functions of SNARE-nanopatterns

Prof Thorsten Lang (University of Bonn, Germany)

Host: Dr Luke Chamberlain

December 2008

5 December

As fear goes by – role of endocannabinoids in fear extinction

Dr Carsten Wotjak (Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry Munich, Germany)

Host: Prof Mike Ludwig

12 December

Electrically distributed neurons - study problems and computational advantages

Dr Stephen Williams (University of Cambridge)

Host: Dr Matt Nolan

17 December

The regulation of segmentation clock period in zebrafish

Dr Leah Herrgen (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany)


Host: Dr Matt Nolan