
Available projects.

During the first year of Cross-disciplinary Fellowship the fellows are expected to participate in three rotation projects that are intended to broaden their scientific horizons, provide opportunities for exploration of the local research environment and help to focus their biomedical interests.

Rotation projects are proposed by IGC scientists in collaboration with investigators from other disciplines. They are expected to last ~3-4 months and should be submitted to the XDF Programme administrator using a standardised XDF Project template. Considering a highly dynamic nature of biomedical research, new rotation project proposals are being accepted continuously and are made available to the XDFs immediately after approval by XDF Programme Directors.



As all XDF Fellows are already committed to their main projects, acceptance of new projects is "on hold" for the time being. This might change should new funding become available so that new cross-disciplinary researchers can be recruited to the Programme. If you have any additional questions regarding XDF Programme rotation projects please contact the XDF Programme Administrator for more information.