
Sign up to Coronagenes

Want to take part in Coronagenes? We're looking for anyone over the age of 16 to get involved. Sign up here.

Studying online

To take part, you must:

  • Be aged 16 or over
  • Have access to the internet to complete the questionnaire

To sign up you need to provide your name, date of birth, phone number and email address.

After this, taking part will involve:

  • Reading our online volunteer information
  • Consenting to the study online
  • Completing an online questionnaire
  • If you have DNA data from a company, upload the file
  • If you develop any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, please complete our daily surveys
  • Provide a saliva sample, if you don't have DNA data from a company
  • Possibly provide a finger-prick blood sample for COVID-19 testing

To sign up, click the link below:

Join Coronagenes