
Downloading and Uploading DNA Data

Are you unsure how to download DNA data from a company or how to upload it to our system? We have download instructions for the four main providers here and detailed upload instructions too.

Red upload button on a black keyboard

To download your DNA data, visit the company website that has your data and follow the download procedures. We have download instructions for the four largest genetic testing providers below.


These instructions have been adapted from guides available at DNA eXplained, created by Roberta Estes. Click below to visit her site.

DNA eXplained

Our upload system is simple. Navigate to our dashboard, by clicking the link in your registration email. Choose the file you have downloaded from the company and upload it. This process is the same for DNA data that comes from any company. For full instructions click the link below.



Are you still a little unsure of how to download and upload your data? Watch the videos below, where our volunteer tak you through the process step by step. 23andMe download information is below.


Watch how you can download you Ancestry DNA data below.


Do you have your data? Upload is simple, watch the video below to learn how it's done.