Centre for Contemporary Latin American Studies

Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and the Paradigms of Political Economy

It will decolonize the paradigms of political-economy and post-colonial studies. Finally, it will discuss transmodernity as an alternative that moves beyond the world-system of today. It will be of interest to scholars and students already working with questions of decoloniality/decolonization, or for those who wish to gain an introduction to this field of knowledge. It will be of particular use to lecturers and researchers seeking to decolonize their classrooms, curricula, teaching practice, research and writing. Participants accepted into the course will be sent a readings package in advance. The course will cover five key modules:

FIRST: The Four Genocides/Epistemicides of the 16th Century, the Westernized University and Modern/Colonial Epistemology

SECOND: Epistemic Racism/Sexism: Decolonizing the Western Concept of Universalism

THIRD: What is racism?: The Fanonian Zone of Being and Zone of Non-Being

FOURTH: Decolonizing Paradigms of Political-Economy

FIFTH: Transmodernity and Decolonization of the world-system

Places are free but limited, so registration is required. The names of people who seek to register after all available places are taken will be added to a waitlist.  If you would to apply for a place, please fill in the application form and send to: julie.cupples@ed.ac.uk by 9 December 2015.

The application form can be found here:


Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro

Decolonizing Post-Colonial Studies and the Paradigms of Political Economy

This two-day course will discuss the cartography of power and the structures of knowledge of the world-system we have inhabited since the 16th century.