Centre for Contemporary Latin American Studies

Mexico Co-created Smart City Solutions

Developing Co-created Smart City solutions for managed adaptation and monitoring of hydro-meteorological climate change related risk in Mexico. A CONACYT and ESRC Newton Call for collaborative research on Smart Cities Call specification

In collaboration with the Instituto Politecnico Nacional of Mexico, the study aims to explore and test climate change-related risk reducing strategies in vulnerable communities.

From community and government perspectives the research aims to understand the barriers to flooding risk-reducing strategies and identify viable approaches through active adaptation and resilience.

The research purpose is to test mechanisms for long term sustainable processes of risk monitoring and mitigation through engaging communities and organisations in a constructive 'dialogue of knowledges'. In addition, the research will assess how multi- level actors are influenced by, and can influence, climate change-related risks and the associated governance structures - such as the development of policies and norms - to allow greater support for climate change engagement.

Strategies explored will consider 'smart city' perspectives, by implementing strategies to monitor and mitigate risk using data processing technologies systems in a pilot case in Mexico City with high levels of growth in the last two decades as well as exploring projections of migrations due to climate change.

The pilot case targets vulnerable settlements at the dwelling level, and engage with local communities in the development of tools for:

  • Monitoring
  • Adapting 
  • Communicating

Tools that can be upscaled at the city, national and international levels.