Medellin Urban Innovation - MUI
Medellin Urban Innovation (MUI) is a research collaboration between academic and non-academic institutions in the United Kingdom and Colombia. It is a two-year project that received a Newton Institutional Links Grant from the British Council. MUI is about researching to what extent urban innovation in Medellín (Colombia) has helped increase social equity and well-being in the city.
This project is led by Dr Soledad Garcia Ferrari, a Senior Lecturer at Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA) at the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with Dr Harry Smith, an Associate Professor at the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society (EGIS) at Heriot-Watt University.
We rely on a vast network in this project that includes, but is not limited to:
- Academic Institutions
- Research Associations
- Research Centres
- Community Stakeholders
- Public Participants
- Local Government Institutes
- Practitioners
Academic Institutions:
- EGIS, Heriot-Watt University
- ESALA, The University of Edinburgh
- CEHAP,Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín
- LAUR, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB)
- Universidad Santo Tomas
- Urbam, Universidad Eafit
Non-Academic Institutions:
- Newton Fund, Managed by the British Council
- Research Associations & Centres:
- ACIUR, Asociación Colombiana de Investigadores Urbanos Regionales
- RIDEAL, Red de Investigación sobre Áreas Metropolitanas de Europa y América Latina
- RELATUER, Red Latinoamericana de Investigadores sobre Teoría Urbana
- ESA, Edinburgh Strategic Alliance
Community Stakeholders:
- Barrio Moravia, Medellín
- Pajarito, A ‘Plan Parcial’ as part of a wider strategic project in Medellín