Our Health projects
Students are invited to select one of the following projects and form small interdisciplinary teams that will research the questions that have been posed by our community partners.
Our Health Local
Breathetakers and Breathe Easy - The support group for the lung condition “bronchiectasis” were interested in exploring how communication (in all of its many forms) can empower the diagnostic process or disempower it. They wanted to work with students who are interested in understanding how communication can improve self-diagnosis. They were also keen to investigate the space between medical language and the patients’ interpretation of it, and how that can impact lung health.
The Cheyne Gang– A community-based choir who live with the lung condition “chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” (COPD) wanted to conduct evidence-based research around a new breathing technique that the choir uses. The choir were interested in exploring if the breathing technique actually impacts lung physiology and improves the symptoms of COPD overall.
The Cyrenians– A Scottish charity who support people in Edinburgh who have been excluded from family, home, work and the community want to research multiple questions around homelessness and the impact of exclusion on health and wellbeing.
NHS Lothian - Our Health has partnered with the Age and Health Strategic planning team to co-produce a patient-led research project that explores, with patients living with frailty and key workers who support them, the benefits and challenges associated with the use of digital solutions for the improvement of the out-patient care pathway.
Cowrie Scholars - The UK wide charity, Versus Arthritis has partnered with Our Health Cowrie Scholars to co-develop research questions around joint and bone diseases to improve health and wellbeing for people living with these painful and isolating diseases.
Our Health Global
Aravind Eye Hospital – The largest and most productive eye care centre in the world, based in Madurai, India. Aravind are committed to eradicating needless blindlessness in India. India clinicians and health care workers have asked Our Health Global to research questions around patients eyecare needs and access to essential eyecare.
National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis – An institute of the Indian Council of Medical Research and an internationally recognized institution of research excellence for Tuberculosis (TB). NIRT have partnered with Our Health Global to investigate how Covid-19 has impacted the patient care pathways for TB patients.
United Nations - Sustainable Development Goals
Our Health projects are developed to directly respond to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Reduced Inequalities and Sustainable Cities and Communities.
By placing these sustainable development goals at the very centre of our project work we are able to deliver education for sustainable development for all Our Health partners.