Spotlight on Professor Stephen Wigmore, the Programmes Director at Edinburgh Surgery Online
We are very proud to announce that our very own Programmes Director, Professor Stephen Wigmore was this week awarded an honorary fellowship of the American Surgical Association at their meeting in Washington DC.
The ASA is the oldest and most prestigious academic surgery organization in the USA, having been founded in 1880, and has led the way in striving for excellence and leadership in surgery ever since. Its membership includes many of the most prominent surgeons in the United States so it is a great honour for our Programmes Director to have been awarded this honorary fellowship in recognition of his many and varied contributions to organ transplantation and liver, pancreas and biliary cancer surgery, both through clinical, research and pedagogical endeavour.
Professor Stephen Wigmore, who currently also holds the Regius Chair of Clinical Surgery and is the Head of Department for Surgery, alongside steering the Edinburgh Surgery Online ship to ensure ongoing excellence in distance learning had this to say:
“I was delighted to receive the award which is a great honour and while it is a personal award, I recognise that it is built also on the successes of colleagues in clinical surgery in Edinburgh and Edinburgh Surgery Online”.
I am sure you will all join the Edinburgh Surgery Online team in congratulating the professor on his well deserved international recognition.
Further Information
Professor Steve Wigmore
American Surgical Society