Edinburgh Imaging

Services & collaboration

We have a number of services & resources that may be suitable for academic & industrial research partners.

Apply to conduct imaging research

Follow our four stage application process to make sure you have all the information you need to get your imaging research off the ground & to allow us to help you make a success of our working relationship.

SMARTIS - Systematic Management, Archiving & Reviewing of Trial Images Service

Our SMARTIS can support & manage acquisition, collation, curation & analysis of your medical imaging data.

Image analysis service

Applied medical image analysis uses advanced digital technologies to extract meaningful information from imaging data.
We can support your clinical research through qualitative & quantitative analysis of medical images, to both academic & industrial partners.

Data management service

We can provide robust & compliant management of your imaging data. Our service follows well established data management policies & uses software solutions which have proven to work over many years of practice.

DPUK PET-MR collaboration

Download the researchers' toolkit for PET-MR: documents to assist you establishing a PET-MR research project. The toolkit has been developed by Edinburgh Imaging in collaboration with the DPUK PET-MR partnership.

PET synaptic imaging resources

“Enabling advance imaging of synaptic function in living males and females over the course of the lifespan with Positron Emission Tomography (PET)”