Edinburgh Imaging

Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE

The facility is attached to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh building close to the Division of Clinical Neurosciences (DCN) at Little France.

Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE
Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE

The Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE delivers clinical & academic research imaging in humans.

Clinically, we collaborate closely with NHS Lothian because we are co-located on the Little France campus with the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.

Physically we are attached to the RIE hospital & adjacent to the Division of Clinical Neurosciences building, which positions us ideally for acute / emergency & subacute imaging studies.

We work alongside a multidisciplinary team of imaging scientists, on all aspects of the implementation & design of imaging protocols for patients & study participants.




For patients & others visiting the facility:

Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE

Contact details



Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE

57 Little France Crescent

Post Code
EH16 4TJ


Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE map - EIF RIE highlighted in yellow
Edinburgh Imaging Facility RIE map - EIF RIE highlighted in yellow



Please find below a map we have created of the BioQuarter campus with the EIF RIE building highlighted (also pictured above and to the right), to aid you in your directions whilst at the campus:





Useful links