Edinburgh Imaging

27 Mar 19. Job - Senior Neuroradiology Fellow

The University is seeking to appoint a Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Neuroradiology at consultant level for a fixed term of 12 months to complement and support existing strengths in its research imaging facilities.

Job reference: 047382


Post: Senior Clinical Research Fellow in Neuroradiology


Closing date: 9th April 2019


Applicants can apply here.


Job Purpose 

The successful candidate will be appointed as a Senior Clinical Research Fellow at consultant Radiology level, and have a strong interest in becoming a clinical academic radiologist to enhance and building capacity in radiological research in Edinburgh.

Expertise in diagnostic/cross-sectional neuroradiology is required. The post will be based in the Edinburgh Imaging facility QMRI and Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences in the Edinburgh Medical School. You will have a strong interest in clinical imaging research appropriate to your career stage.

Person Specification

The individual appointed to this post is expected to: 

  • Be interested in developing as an academic neuroradiologist. 
  • Have a major research interest in imaging. 
  • Engage, collaborate and contribute to existing research programmes aligned to the candidates subspecialty area of interest. 
  • Develop a post-doctoral research portfolio and personal research programme that will support competitive application for future research fellowship and substantive academic appointments at consultant level. 
  • Contribute to the day-to-day running of research imaging facilities; with particular reference to Edinburgh Imaging Queen Medical Research Institute (EI-QMRI) based clinical studies, including providing on-site medical cover for a range of existing and new studies. 
  • Support clinical and academic activity within the Ann Rowling Clinic by participation in specialist Neuroinflammatory multidisciplinary meetings, imaging review and consultation on cases. 
  • Disseminate research findings by publication in the most prestigious research journals, presentation at conferences, etc.. 
  • Be eligible for inclusion on the GMC Specialist Register 
  • Have appropriate training and experience in diagnostic neuroradiology 
  • Hold a higher degree by research (PhD or MD or equivalent) 
  • Deliver high quality clinical care as part of an agreed contribution to the Directorate of Clinical Imaging, NHS Lothian.

Superb imaging research facilities are available, co-located with world-class biomedical neuroscience research facilities, including three full time research-optimised MR scanners (3T and neuro-optimised 3T and 1.5T systems), a 3T PET-MR system and two PET-CT scanner, cyclotron and dedicated physics, radiochemistry and computational science expertise, nested within the SINAPSE multicentre collaborative imaging research environment.

You will also have clinical skills which will be of value to the Directorate of Clinical Imaging.

NHS Lothian will offer an Honorary contract at Consultant level for 4 PA’s under the appropriate agreed Terms and Conditions of Service. These clinical sessions will be expressed in the NHS Department of Radiology within the Department of Clinical Neurosciences.

Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Adam Waldman, Chair of Neuroradiology (tel 0131 465 9599; email: adam.waldman@ed.ac.uk) or Professor Edwin van Beek, Chair of Clinical Radiology (tel. 0131 2427760; email: edwin-vanbeek@ed.ac.uk) or Dr. Graham McKillop, Director of Imaging, Royal Infirmary, Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4TJ, telephone: +44 (0)131 242 3743; email: graham.mckillop@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk


Application deadline:

Deadline: 9th April 2019

Applicants can apply here.