19 Feb 19. New preclinical Ultrasound scanner
In January 2019, a new preclinical ultrasound scanner, Vevo 3100 manufactured by FUJIFILM Visualsonics, arrived in the preclinical ultrasound facility, based at the Edinburgh Bioquarter campus.
The scanner was funded by a Wellcome Trust equipment grant (Moran, Chapman, Holmes, Gray, Curtis, Eddleston, Evans, Norman, Baker, Newby - £350K) and replaces our previous preclinical ultrasound scanner (Vevo 770, purchased in 2008).
The Vevo3100 has new features providing the ability to acquire anatomical, haemodynamic and functional data from embryonic zebra-fish to rats. Specifically, new features include:
- Measurement of cardiac function in 2D, 3D and 4D (Figure 1)
- Colour and power Doppler imaging enabling the visualisation of blood flow within vessels (Figure 2)
- Non-linear contrast imaging mode to quantify relative perfusion between regions of interest
- Quantitative measurement of cardiac strain (radial, longitudinal and circumferential) (Figure 3)
- Precise, repeatable and reliable ultrasound guided injections.
Please contact either Adrian Thomson or Carmel M Moran if you would like to discuss the potential of ultrasound imaging within projects. Cost for access to the scanner is £60/hour until end of June 2019.
Related links
- Edinburgh Imaging Facility - Preclinical
- Edinburgh Imaging equipment
- Wellcome Trust
- What is an Ultrasound scan?
- Professor Carmel Moran
- Professor Karen Chapman
- Professor Megan Holmes
- Dr Gillian Gray
- Professor Andrew Curits
- Professor Michael Eddleston
- Professor Mark Evans
- Professor Jane Norman
- Professor Andrew Baker
- Professor David Newby