Edinburgh Imaging

17 May 19. Young Investigator's Award

Many congratulations to Dr Alastair Moss, who recently won the Young Investigator's Award at both the BSCI meeting and the BNCS Spring meeting.

Many congratulations to the University of Edinburgh cardiovascular team, who won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Young Investigator Award at the BSCI/BSCCT 2019 Spring meeting!


BSCI Young Investigator Award 2019

In third place was Dr Dylan Yong, an Edinburgh radiology trainee, who presented the 'BSCI/BSCCT Research sub-committee survey of research activity and cardiovascular imaging research priorities'. 

Second place was awarded to Andrew Gentle, Edinburgh Medical Student presenting 'Thoracic aorta and pulmonary artery dimensions in patients undergoing CT coronary angiography, a SCOT-HEART sub-study'.

With the winner being Dr Alastair Moss who won the Young Investigator’s Award presenting 'Dual antiplatelet therapy to inhibit myocardial injury in patients with high-risk coronary artery plaque: a randomised controlled trial'. 


Well done to Dylan Yong, Andrew Gentile with President Russell Bull and Alastair Moss.

Alastair also won the Young Investigator’s Award at the British Nuclear Cardiology Society, Spring Meeting 2019, for work undertaken during his doctoral research at the University of Edinburgh.


The Diamond Study

The DIAMOND study (Dual antiplatelet therapy to inhibit Atherosclerosis and Myocardial injury in patients with Necrotic high-risk coronary plaque Disease) is the first study to use coronary 18F-fluoride activity to guide treatment in patients with stable coronary artery disease, using  PET-CT scanning within the Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI.

The addition of intensified antiplatelet therapy in patients with high-risk coronary artery plaques seen using this molecular imaging technique did not reduce an early biomarker of myocardial injury. However, patients with high levels of coronary 18F-fluoride activity may still be at risk of future cardiovascular events.

This hypothesis will be explored in more detail in the prospective observational study, PRE18FFIR.

This work has received international attention and was also recently presented at the International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT (ICNC) in Lisbon, Portugal on Monday 13th May 2019.


The PRE18FFIR Study 

PRE18FFIR (Prediction of Recurrent Events with 18F-Fluoride to Identify Ruptured and High-risk Coronary Artery Plaques in Patients with Myocardial Infarction), run by the University of Edinburgh, is an ongoing research using the PET-CT scanners at the Edinburgh Imaging Facility QMRI.