Edinburgh Imaging

15 Aug 19. Ophthalmic Imaging ​​​​​​​meeting

The first meeting of the Scottish Ophthalmic Imaging Society will be held in Edinburgh on 14th February 2020.


The Scottish Ophthalmic Imaging Society (SOIS)

The Scottish Ophthalmic Imaging Society (SOIS), founded in 2019, aims to provide a forum for sharing expertise in ophthalmic imaging, including photography, OCT, OCT angiography and anterior segment imaging.

The society is free to join for medical photographers, ophthalmologists, optometrists, nurses, optometrists and researchers with an interest in ophthalmic imaging.

You can join by simply visiting their website and completing the form.

Retinal imaging
Retinal imaging

First meeting of SOIS


The first meeting of the Scottish Ophthalmic Imaging Society will be held on 14th February 2020 at The Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh


The aim of the meeting is to provide an update in all things related to ocular imaging


Tickets are available from  www.imagingscotland.com


Registration fee = £50 before 1st October, £60 thereafter


Free for medical photographers


5.5 CPD points applied for from Royal College of Ophthalmologists.


Draft programme available on their website.