Edinburgh Imaging



Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) - reuse

Abdominal aortic aneurysm is a serious condition whereby the aorta swells & can burst, without warning; it is the thirteenth commonest cause of death in the United Kingdom.

Acknowledging Edinburgh Imaging

Please acknowledge Edinburgh Imaging in all publications, images & presentations.

Coronary artery disease - reuse

Coronary atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction are a major global cause of morbidity and mortality. Our research seeks to improve our pathological understanding and to improve patient assessment, care and clinical outcomes using multi-modality state-of-the-art imaging technique.

Dementia - reuse

Dementia is the progressive loss of normal cognitive function, which can occur sporadically due to a genetic predisposition or in relation to chronic cerebrovascular disease.

Edinburgh Imaging equipment

Edinburgh Imaging holds a large range of imaging equipment such as: Magnetic Resonance (MR), Computed Tomography (CT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Retinal / Optical Imaging, Ultrasound, Radiochemistry, and mixed modality imaging.


What's on

Eyes / retinal - Current projects

Page on current projects within eyes/ retinal.

Eyes / retinal - Completed projects

Page on completed projects within eyes / retinal.

Facilities - RIE & WGH - History

RIE & WGH facilities 'History' information reuse box.

Facilities - RIE & WGH - Facility director

RIE & WGH facilities 'Facility directors' information reuse box.

Facilities - RIE & WGH - Senior staff

RIE & WGH facilities 'Senior staff ' information reuse box.

Facilities - RIE & WGH - Volunteer & patient info

RIE & WGH facilities 'Patient & volunteer info' information reuse box.

Facilities - RIE & WGH - How to find us

RIE & WGH facilities ' How to find us' information reuse box.