Edinburgh Imaging

Having a MR scan at the EIF QMRI

Watch our video explaining what happens when you arrive for a MR scan at the EIF QMRI.



"When you arrive at reception, you will be greeted by our receptionist & your appointment & name will be confirmed.

You will be asked to complete a safety checklist. The radiographer will go through this with you.

The radiographer will take you through to the MRI scanner. This is a ‘controlled area’ which can only be accessed by authorised staff.

Because the scanner uses a very strong magnet, you will be asked to get changed into a gown to make sure there is no metal on your person when you go in the scanner.

Once changed, you will be taken into the scan room & asked to lie on the scanner table. The radiographer will make you comfortable & you will be given ear protection (ear plugs &/or headphones) as the scanner makes loud noises. You will be given an emergency buzzer which can be used if you wish to stop the scan & come out of the scanner for any reason. Depending on what you are having scanned, a ‘coil’ may be placed around you. This takes the images. You are then moved slowly into the middle of the ‘scanner’, ready to start the scan.

The scan may take between 30-60 minutes, depending on what is being scanned.

After all the images are taken, you will be taken out of the scanner & then asked to change back into your clothes.

When you are ready to leave a member of staff will escort you out of the department."



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