Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
Edinburgh Neuroscience and CCBS logos

Mini-symposium on cognition and the ageing brain (BBSRC International Partnership)

Organiser: Szu-Han Wang (Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh)

Chair: Prof Megan Holmes (Cardiovascular Science, University of Edinburgh)



14:00-14:15 Dr Anjanette Harris (University of Edinburgh): Functional MRI in rats and mice.

14:15-14:30 Dr Szu-Han Wang (University of Edinburgh): Reverse the decline of spatial memory in midlife.

14:30-15:10 Prof Wen-Sung Lai (National Taiwan University): Evaluating therapeutic potential of NMDA modulators in the treatment of schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease: from mouse models to clinical trial at National Taiwan University.

15:10-15:30 Dr Maria Valdes-Hernandez (University of Edinburgh): Brain MRI processing and analysis in the presence of structural abnormalities.

15:30-16:10 Prof Tai-Li Chou (National Taiwan University): The cognitive mechanisms of semantic memory and emotion in older adults.

Sep 08 2017 -

Mini-symposium on cognition and the ageing brain (BBSRC International Partnership)

8th Sept 2017: This afternoon symposium features speakers from Edinburgh and Taiwan as part of a BBSRC International Partnership.

Lecture Theatre A, Ground Floor, Chancellor's Building
49 Little France Crescent
EH16 4SB