Division of Psychiatry
Edinburgh Neuroscience and Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences logos

Old Age Psychiatry

Broad, inter-disciplinary research into dementia and other conditions associated with ageing

Old age psychiatry research at the University of Edinburgh works closely with the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre, the Edinburgh Centre for Research on the Experience of Dementia (ECRED), the Lothian Birth Cohort studies, the Advanced Care Research Centre (ACRC), and the NRS (NHS Research Scotland) Neuroprogressive & Dementia Research Network. This includes a broad range of projects from data science and epidemiology, through  qualitative and co-produced research, to clinical trials.


We are active in supporting higher trainees in old age psychiatry from South-East Scotland in their research time.

Example projects

Project title Funder Investigator(s)
Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Brain Tissue Bank Alzheimer Scotland Tom Russ
NRS Neuroprogressive & Dementia Research Network (NDN) including the EVOKE and EVOKE+ clinical trials Chief Scientist Office Tom Russ
Partners in Research: collaboration at the heart of clinical dementia research Royal Society of Edinburgh Tom Russ
Confident Conversations in Research Azheimer Scotland & NDN

Tom Russ & Emma Law (NDN)

Sharing the diagnosis of dementia in the post-Covid clinic: patient and practitioner perspectives UKRI

Tom Russ & Heather Wilkinson

Dementia ascertainment in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936

Alzheimer Scotland & NHS Education for Scotland

Tom Russ