Multi-Faith and Belief Chaplaincy, For All Faiths and None


Details of Dreamwhispering offered by Associate Chaplain, Geoffrey Baines.

A yellow and blue doodle with the text: you will never reach the inner limits of who you can be and the outer limits of what you

Dreamwhispering is a guided journey of conversations created by associate chaplain Geoffrey Baines focusing on two questions: Who is my True Self? and What is my contribution (work)?


By engaging with our dreams and hopes, and by listening to what our lives are constantly whispering, the journey takes us on a slower route from the present to the future.  Rather than downloading some preformed version of our lives, through noticing more - especially around our values, talents and energies - we're able to create a unique picture or story we want to live each day with alacrity.


By the completion of the journey, we will have identified at least nineteen significant truths with which to create our stories and identify what we must do next.  Some of these will be affirming, others surprising, but they will all be creative.


Dreamwhispering involves one-to-one conversations and as such are created together around the things that matter most to us.  You can find out more by contacting Geoffrey at


Geoffrey writes and doodles daily about something connected to dreamwhispering at