Centre for Reproductive Health


Archive news and public engagement updates from the Centre for Reproductive Health in 2017.

Minister for Public Health and Sport visits Tommy’s Metabolic Antenatal Clinic

Aileen Campbell, Minister for Public Health and Sport, visited Tommy’s Metabolic Antenatal Clinic on 14 December to learn more about how the clinic benefits women and their babies.

Jackie Maybin visits Westminster

Jackie Maybin attended Westminster this week for the Royal Society Parliamentary Pairing Scheme (w/c 04.12.17).

Queen’s Prize honours research to improve women’s health

The University of Edinburgh has received a prestigious Queen’s Anniversary Prize for its work to improve women’s health.

Scottish pregnant women at risk due to weight

More than half of all expectant mothers in Scotland are overweight or obese at the start of their pregnancy.

Dr Denison’s birth mirror on track for further success

Dr Fiona Denison, founder of Birthing Solutions Ltd, has been awarded a Wild Card Finalist Award in the Scottish Edge Wild Card 2017 Competition.

Professor James Boardman is the new President of the Neonatal Society

James Boardman, Professor of Neonatal Medicine, has been elected President of the Neonatal Society (09.11.17).

Professor Andrew Horne takes part in Australian health forum

CRH represents at endometriosis themed public engagement event in Melbourne.

First UK Fertility Preservation meeting is organised and hosted by CRH

Successful meeting and public engagement event attracts national media interest.

Awards excitement for CRH

Birth Mirror success and reaching the finals of Science Writing Award.

Andrew Horne comments on new NICE guidance on endometriosis

On 6th September NICE published its new guidance for the diagnosis and management of endometriosis.

Dr Fiona Denison’s Birth Mirror reaches the final of the Converge Challenge KickStart Awards

MRC CRH’s Fiona Denison’s Birth Mirror has been shortlisted as a finalist in this year’s Converge Challenge KickStart Awards.

A successful Symposium hosted by CRH

The Scientific Symposium on targeting inflammation to improve reproductive health across the lifecourse was held from 16 – 18 August in Edinburgh, and was a great success.

Dr Jackie Maybin successfully paired with local MP

Dr Jackie Maybin, a Clinical Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, has been paired with MP Tommy Sheppard, as part of the Royal Society Pairing Scheme 2017.

Scientists of the future visit CRH

CRH Insight to Science Students 1
This exciting work experience programme is designed to give fifth year high school students an insight into the work and life of research scientists.

Many congratulations to this year’s CRH graduates

The medical graduations were held in McEwen Hall on Saturday 8 July, 2017. A special day in the sun for everyone involved!

Sixty years on from the creation of the pill

In 1957 the FDA approved a medicine referred to as Enovid for treating menstrual issues and infertility. Three years later, this mix of the artificial hormones norethynodrel and mestranol, was authorised by doctors as a contraceptive.

CRH welcomes the prestigious Dr Tak Mak

The distinguished Canadian scientist, Dr Tak Mak, Director of the Advanced Medical Discovery Institute and the Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research, visited CRH on Monday 3 July to give a fascinating seminar on future anti-cancer targets.

Female cancer survivors are one third less likely to achieve pregnancy

Women who survive cancer are more than a third less likely to conceive than women in the general population, new research suggests.

Leading the way in myeloid regulatory cell research

The COST Action Mye-EUNITER is a network of scientists who are undertaking exploratory research into myeloid regulatory cells. The main objective is to establish technical standards for the characterisation and analysis of these cells.

CRH hosts a successful MRC Festival

The University of Edinburgh’s MRC Centre for Reproductive Health and EXPPECT Edinburgh hosted their MRC Festival event on 23 June, 2017.

Clinics cut pregnancy risks for obese women

Specialist antenatal clinics for severely obese mums-to-be can help cut rates of pregnancy complications, research has found. Women who received the specialist care were eight times less likely to have a stillbirth.

Ground breaking research expected to help endometriosis sufferers

Research being carried out at the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health into endometriosis could lead to new drug treatments that will block the development and progression of the often debilitating condition.

Success in Vancouver for Dr Erin Greaves

Dr Erin Greave award presentation
The award winning research studied the role of macrophages in endometriosis associated pain and the presentation was entitled Macrophage-derived insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1): a key player in endometriosis?

Dr Jackie Maybin is shortlisted for Parliamentary Pairing Scheme

Dr Jackie Maybin, a Clinical Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, has been shortlisted for the Royal Society Pairing Scheme 2017.

Birth Mirror success

Honours for the development of the Birth Mirror

Dr Jackie Maybin

Jackie Maybin Article Panel Banner
An article discussing Jackie Maybin’s work appeared in New Scientist following her presentation at at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Helsinki.

The Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory celebrates 15 years of saving lives

The MRC CRH welcomed Gordon and Sarah Brown and around 80 guests of the charity Theirworld to a gala event to celebrate the work of the Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory (JRBL), established in memory of Jennifer Brown in 2004.

CRH Professor elected to the RSE

Jane Norman, Deputy Director of the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, and Director of the Tommy’s Centre of Maternal and Fetal Health.

Edinburgh baby born from frozen ovary in UK first

University of Edinburgh scientists
The storage of ovarian tissue was pioneered in Edinburgh over 20 years ago, and it is wonderful to see it come to fruition.

Publication F1000Prime recommended

F1000Prime logo
High praise for recent paper.

MRC funding to develop a board game

Two members of the CRH team receive MRC funding.